SAS Product Suggestions

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Change default behaviors to "automatically overwrite" if that's what most users want, but some of us got a lot of use out of this option.

SAS Employee
Status changed to: New Suggestion

Hi @kodowd , I'm assuming you are referring to an option that was available in EG 7.1 and the user was then prompted whether they wanted to replace results from a previous run in EG. This option has never been available in EG 8 which was released many years ago. You can use copy/paste if you want to keep the results from a previous run. There are no plans to bring this option back. Focus is on EG integration with Viya 4, to help you take advantage of what SAS Viya has to offer while continuing to use EG as the client application.

Fluorite | Level 6

So, under Viya, will it be possible to implement at least some kind of version control feature for the serious coders among us?  


@kodowd - Version control is available in both SAS 9.4 and Viya 4 via EG's Git integration or SAS language Git functions.

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Closed

As version control is supported using Git integration in SAS Enterprise Guide, now closing this item.