SAS Product Suggestions

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In VIYA 3.5 sliders had the ability to be set to dynamic min/max - so that they would always contain the entire span of dates etc. in the dataset.

But for some reason this was added in the updates for VIYA 4.


"Control objects have a new Initial value option, and range slider objects have Initial min value and Initial max value options.
These options enable you to specify the default initial selection for the control when a user opens the report for the first time, or when they select Restore default report state."


Now when users open a report it will set the sliders to that span the next time they open the report.

And the user will have to manually correct the slider every time.


There is no option in the report, that can fix this. Even using parameters to try and force the latest date will not work.
The only way to fix this is to disable "saved viewer state feature" and that disables the users to customize their own reports.


This is such a bad change for UX when using reports daily. I don't understand why you would make a change like this.

Calcite | Level 5

I agree, why should you othervice have an option that says min and max values on the slider.

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Under Review