SAS Community Nordic

Nordic SAS users community Interact, learn and grow for all SAS Problem Solvers
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This community is for all SAS users in the Nordic region.

  • Select the SAS Nordic Users Group link below to ask about SAS Software. Find information on upcoming and past Nordic FANS and SAS events in the Nordic Events and Presentations section.
  • To learn more about the Nordic SAS User Group "FANS," join one or more Network Meetings, and participate in other offerings, please visit


The following SAS experts are available to answer your questions:

Daniel Ringqvist.jpeg Daniel Ringqvist, Nordic User Group Manager, Sweden, has been using SAS since 1994

Pietari.png Pietari Koskela, Nordic User Group Manager, Finland, has been using SAS since 2005

Pia Rønnevik.jpg Pia Rønnevik, Nordic User Group Manager, Norway, has been using SAS since 2004 Frans Holm (002).jpg Frans Holm, Nordic User Group Manager, Denmark, has been using SAS since 1996


No recent unanswered topics!

All recent topics have replies, but you can view the full list of unanswered topics here

The community discussions are open to all. Please join the community if you want to post a question or comment on a discussion. You can find the community guidelines here.

In order for everybody to get the most out of the group discussions, we encourage all users to write in English but you are also welcome to use one of the Nordic languages.

Want to get more out of the network? Read tips here on how to create a good post, how to get fast help and how to help others.

Want to know more about SAS user events? Please subscribe to the Nordic Events and Presentations section.