Graphics Programming

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Obsidian | Level 7

With this code (under 9.3.2)

libname tex "d:\notes\latex\";

data stack;

   input  x1 x2 x3 y exp $ @@;


80  27   89  42   e1   80  27   88  37   e2

75  25   90  37   e3   62  24   87  28   e4

62  22   87  18   e5   62  23   87  18   e6

62  24   93  19   e7   62  24   93  20   e8

58  23   87  15   e9   58  18   80  14  e10

58  18   89  14  e11   58  17   88  13  e12

58  18   82  11  e13   58  19   93  12  e14

50  18   89   8  e15   50  18   86   7  e16

50  19   72   8  e17   50  19   79   8  e18

50  20   80   9  e19   56  20   82  15  e20

70  20   91  15  e21



options nodate nonumber;

title ;

ods latex path="d:\notes\latex\"

          gpath="d:\notes\latex\ps" (url='ps/') style=journal2;

ods trace on;

proc robustreg data=stack plots=(rdplot ddplot histogram qqplot);

   model y = x1 x2 x3;


ods trace off;

ods latex close;

i obtain a

a sasltx.ltx file and 4 graphics (.ps) into the designed ps subdirectory

this based upon  example5 of Rodriguez

Does anybody know how to insert the correct call for those postscript file into a Tex editor?


sas code  has produced



% Scale graphics so they always fit on the page




   \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\sas@figwidth > \textwidth}}{%





and further

\sascontents[3]{Residual by Distance}


\sascontents[3]{Distance by Distance}


\sascontents[3]{Residual Histogram}


\sascontents[3]{Residual Q-Q Plot}


but the compilation return a non recognition of the .ps type of files

! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .ps.

(I know that i can include those (whole pages) with a \includepdf     after having produced them through a pdf desdtination

but how to do following the basic sas latex production?



"a non expert in tex and latex  but i must help  somebody else"

Obsidian | Level 7


\sascontents[3]{Residual by Distance}


Those tex code lines are indirect ways to insert graphics and are accepted

under Miktek2.9   with the Winedt editor

but i have had to produce them under supplemental ods steps

but for .ps files (native ods latex sas production

who know the solution?



Obsidian | Level 7

After having checked other documents and Tex users,

it seems that the Tex community has switched to the pdf include  for many things

So even if i have produced epsi image files with sas in place of ps postscript image files

i used Ghostscript to convert them into pdf files

and was inserting my restults with Latex code like


for a  ods select  + ods pdf single page




for the converted Ghostcript


for tex pur code (with ods notop nobot options)





for the insert of the initial and by default  png file   under 9.3.2

Any comments are usefull



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