Hi All,
lsf_adm user is a scheduling user, when this user creates a below tables, lsf_adm group is in domain users list but not in SAS group. when I checked the lsf_adm group by using "getent group sas" command ,lsf_adm is in the SAS group but when it is creating a file why it is in domain users group but not in SAS group. is there any method to create it in SAS group or is it a user setup issue in SMS or in AD. |Please advice.
-rw-rw-r--. 1 abc sas 27328512 Mar 26 2018 results_2.sas7bdat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 srv sas 36175872 Mar 26 2018 results_3.sas7bdat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 lsf_adm domain users 196608 May 20 10:28 test.sas7bdat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 lsf_adm domain users 196608 May 20 10:12 test2.sas7bdat
thanks in advance