Hello I'm a beginner with SAS University Edition and I'm sorry my english is not very good and I need your help. I have a database with 50000 data. I have 8 variables (Sexe_assure / age / Profession_assure / ancien / Categorie_vehicule / Usage_vehicule / annee / bonus) And 2 variables quantitative (Nb_sinistres / Cout_sinsitres) For your information, Nb_sinistres = Number of car accident Cout_sinistres = cost of accident I have to analyse the population first then estimate the "cost". I have already done the correlations off the varaibles with the fonction PROC CORR PEARSON. This is my code : 79 /*Population sinsitrée = popuplation with accident*/ 80 PROC CORR PEARSON DATA=WORK.SAS_GLOBAL; 81 VAR Age Ancien Categorie_vehicule Profession_assure Sexe_assure Usage_vehicule bonus annee; 82 WHERE nb_sinistres between 1 and 10; 83 RUN I have done the same operation for nb_sinistres = 0 and an other one without the condition "WHERE". My objectif is to observe the variables for all population, the population without accident and the population with accident. I have done my analysis of the different populations. Now I have to estimate the cost. In this instruction I understand that I have to predict/presage the cost for the next years. I suppose I have to do a linaire regression. But i don't know how to get, can you help me write the program ? I need to have a graph and the result Please find attached the database Thank you in advance for your help.
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