I don't have the answer for you however I do have questions that might lead you to your answer. Are the labels short because the length of the variable is short? In other programs, when I used the LABEL option to display the label values, not the variable names, my labels would be truncated on small width variables. Do all the labels display if GOPTIONS are at their default levels? To reset all graphic options to their default values, specify RESET=GOPTIONS: Which program are you using to create your chart? Proc GCHART, SGCHART, etc.... According to my ODS reference book, your answer may be in the SAS/GRAPH Reference book., (" 'Controlling the Appearance of Your Graphs' ")http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/graphref/66521/HTML/default/viewer.htm#graphwhatsnew94.htm
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