In SAS there is a difference between the NAME of the variable and the LABEL assigned to the variable. In SQL if you just list a string after the field definition then it is taken as a label. But if you add the AS keyword then it is taken as a name. You can still add a label after the name. You can use the LABEL= keyword to help clarify which you mean.
449 proc sql;
450 create table xx as
451 select age
452 , name 'Label for printing'
453 , sex as Gender
454 , weight as WT 'Used be called WEIGHT'
455 , height as HT label='was HEIGHT'
456 from sashelp.class(obs=3)
457 ;
NOTE: Table WORK.XX created, with 3 rows and 5 columns.
458 describe table xx;
NOTE: SQL table WORK.XX was created like:
create table WORK.XX( bufsize=65536 )
Age num,
Name char(8) label='Label for printing',
Gender char(1),
WT num label='Used be called WEIGHT',
HT num label='was HEIGHT'
459 quit;
Normal variable names must only contain letters, digits or underscores and must not start with a digit. This allows the parser to understand what is a variable name and what is a number of other token in your code.
You can relax these rules (but why would you want to?) be setting the option VALIDVARNAME to ANY. If you have done that then you can use the strange names for your variables, but in your code you still need to do something that allows the parser to read your code. In that case you can use name literals. A quoted string with an N suffixed. In PROC SQL you also have the option of setting the option DQUOTE=ANSI in the PROC SQL statement. In that case any string in bounded by double quote characters will be treated as a name instead of a string literal.
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