Hi, all. i got an warning that WARNING: Obtaining minimum variance quadratic unbiased estimates as starting values for the covariance parameters failed. In the study, I want to know whether feeling sad can predict level of act. and my sas is university edition, v94. acting=level of act(0,1) sadcw=within subject variable(sad) sadcb=between subject variable (sad) timec=time I could do this and got results. proc glimmix data=data; class id time; model acting(event="1") = sad_lag1 sadcb_lag1 timec / link=logit dist=binary DDF=95, 94, 95, 95 solution cl; random intercept / subject=id type=un g solution cl; random time/ subject=id type=ar(1) residual; run; but got warning about this. PROC GLIMMIX DATA=data; CLASS id time; MODEL acting (EVENT="1")=sadcw sadcb timec/LINK=logit DIST=binary DDF=95, 94, 95, 95 SOLUTION CL; RANDOM intercept/SUBJECT=id TYPE=un g SOLUTION CL; RANDOM time/SUBJECT=id TYPE=ar(1) RESIDUAL; run; if someone know about this problem. please help me. also, i got something weird about variables. I got variables like, sadcb, sadcw, sad_lag1, sadcb_lag1 through sas. I think if i could not get data today, then there are no sadcb data. am i right? but there are sadcb data on sas outcome data(calculated). could it be a cause of the warning sign? sorry for my poor English and thank you for reading.
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