Julie, a value of 21639 converts to day 03/31/2019. It appears that your "%let str" statement might need a value of 6 in the outer intnx call which will provide a value of 21914 and will resolve to 12/31/2019. My code isn't pretty, but I think it illustrates the concept adequately. options symbolgen; %let str1=intnx('quarter',intnx('quarter', '01JAN2017'd, 5, "sameday"), 3, "end"); %let str2=intnx('quarter',intnx('quarter', '01JAN2017'd, 5, "sameday"), 6, "end"); data _null_; call symputx('dt1', &str1,'G'); call symputx('dt2', &str2,'G'); run; data temp; format mydt1 mydt2 mmddyy10.; mydt1=&dt1; mydt2=&dt2; run; %put _all_; proc print;run; Obs mydt1 mydt2 1 03/31/2019 12/31/2019
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