Dale, I actually agree on most of your points. It is true that you don't need UN(1) for this situation. I used the UN(1) specification merely for comparison with more complex situations (with correlations), where type=UN (or some other choice) would be necessary.
You definitely do not need a subject option with REPEATED for this simple situation. Check out the examples on pages 350 and 352 (sections 9.2.2, 9.2.3) in SAS for Mixed Models, 2nd edition (Littell et al. [2006]). You definitely need a subject option with correlated data, of course, as in true repeated measures, split-plots, and so on.
I actually agree with your general statements about the use of EMPIRICAL options in GLIMMIX. I just didn't write enough to fully explain myself, whether dealing with GLM mode vs. GLMM mode, and so on.
As I wrote before, there is a fundamental difference in philosophy (and approach) with the use of the ANOVAF option versus the robust estimation of the variance-covariance matrix, with the former specifying a different test statistic for factor effects.Both have many advantages.
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