Sorry, yes cost is my dependent variable. Also, as per your suggestion i put the subject variables into my class statement. I still have the following warning: NOTE: Class levels for some variables were not printed due to excessive size. WARNING: The negative of the Hessian is not positive definite. The convergence is questionable. WARNING: The procedure is continuing but the validity of the model fit is questionable. WARNING: The specified model did not converge. WARNING: Negative of Hessian not positive definite. this is my code: proc genmod data=MEPS.MERGEDX; class VARPSU varstr; MODEL COST=REGION15 AGE15X SEX RACETHX MARRY15X EDUYRDG TMTKUS42 TTLP15X INSCOV15 / DIST=GAMMA LINK=LOG; weight PERWT15F; repeated subject =VARPSU(VARSTR); run; Shouldn't the class statement only include categorical variables? Varstr is continuous (it is the strata variable). I am very confused as to what the problem is. Also, my earlier question was that since cost is not normally distributed so we use GLM model, however since I am using MEPS dataset which has complex sampling design, so can SAS account for complex sampling design (using strata and cluster) using proc genmod or should I use any other software? Sorry my questions may be silly, but I am new to this. Thank you.
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