All Mulvenon's Badges

Mulvenon has earned 10 badges!
  • Marking your 5th year
    Marking your 5th year
    Earned by 31,660
    You planted a seed signing up as a community member more than 5 years ago. With deep roots, your SAS knowledge will only flourish and multiply!
  • Celebrating 4+ years!
    Celebrating 4+ years!
    Earned by 36,579
    Wow, you've been a community member for over 4 years. Thanks for sticking with us!
  • 3 years already?
    3 years already?
    Earned by 48,730
    My, how time flies! Wishing you fair winds and following seas as you sail past the 3-year mark as a community member. Thank you for joining us.
  • Wow, congrats on 2+ years!
    Wow, congrats on 2+ years!
    Earned by 55,677
    Thank you for two years as a community member. We appreciate you and hope you've woven forum visits into the fabric of your SAS journey!
  • Celebrating your 1st year!
    Celebrating your 1st year!
    Earned by 57,469
    You joined the SAS Support Communities just over a year ago. Keep coming back! Thank you for signing up and sticking with us.
  • SASGF 2020 Presenter
    SASGF 2020 Presenter
    Earned by 186
    You've Done Great Things... as a contributor for our "virtual" SAS Global Forum 2020 -- thank you!
  • SASGF19 Presenter
    SASGF19 Presenter
    Earned by 273
    Thanks for taking the action to present at SAS Global Forum 2019 -- and help others to put Analytics in Action!
  • SASGF19 Attendee
    SASGF19 Attendee
    Earned by 1,748
    Thanks for putting Analytics in Action during SAS Global Forum 2019!
  • First Topic
    First Topic
    Earned by 40,614
    You did it! Thanks for posting your first topic on the community. We look forward to many more.
  • First Response
    First Response
    Earned by 37,791
    You have posted your first reply to the community. Posting replies is the best way to get involved. We look forward to your next contribution!