* 출처 : http://support.sas.com/kb/31/471.html
SAS9.2에서 지정된 색깔 명칭입니다. 프로그램 보다는 사용하고 싶은 색깔의 SAS명칭이 더 유용할듯 하네요
/* The following FILENAME statement is the only line you need to change to run this program. */
*filename odsout 'html-output-file';
data colorraw;
length rgbname hlsname name $ 8;
length fname $ 30;
input name r g b h l s fname $ 40-66;
rgbname = 'CX' || put(r,hex2.) || put(g,hex2.) || put(b,hex2.) ;
hlsname = 'H' || put(h,hex3.) || put(l,hex2.) || put(s,hex2.) ;
Add an HTML data tip so you can hover your mouse over the
color swatches and see all the info about that color swatch.
length html $1024;
html= 'alt='||quote(
trim(left('SAS Name: '|| trim(left(name)) )) ||'0D'x||
trim(left('Full Name: '|| trim(left(fname)) )) ||'0D'x||
trim(left('rgbname: '|| trim(left(rgbname)) )) ||'0D'x||
trim(left('hlsname: '|| trim(left(hlsname)) )) )
BLACK 000 000 000 000 000 000 Black
WHITE 255 255 255 000 255 000 White
RED 255 000 000 120 128 255 Red
GREEN 000 255 000 240 128 255 Green
BLUE 000 000 255 000 128 255 Blue
PURPLE 112 048 112 060 080 102 Purple
VIOLET 176 144 208 030 176 103 Violet
ORANGE 255 128 000 150 128 255 Orange
YELLOW 255 255 000 180 128 255 Yellow
PINK 255 000 128 089 128 255 Pink
CYAN 000 255 255 300 128 255 Cyan
MAGENTA 255 000 255 060 128 255 Magenta
BROWN 160 080 000 150 080 255 Brown
GOLD 255 170 000 160 128 255 Gold
LIME 192 255 129 210 192 255 Lime
GRAY 128 128 128 000 128 000 Gray
LILAC 224 096 144 098 160 172 Lilac
MAROON 112 000 000 120 056 255 Maroon
SALMON 255 000 085 100 128 255 Salmon
TAN 224 168 096 154 160 172 Tan
ROSE 255 096 096 120 176 255 Rose
CREAM 232 216 152 168 192 162 Cream
VIPK 204 027 059 109 116 195 Vivid pink
STPK 217 087 110 109 152 161 Strong pink
DEPK 153 041 061 109 097 148 Deep pink
LIPK 229 153 167 109 191 153 Light pink
MOPK 186 124 135 109 155 079 Moderate pink
DAPK 153 092 103 109 122 064 Dark pink
PAPK 229 191 198 109 210 109 Pale pink
GRPK 186 155 161 109 171 047 Grayish pink
PKWH 237 221 224 109 229 078 Pinkish white
PKGR 191 178 181 109 185 023 Pinkish gray
VIR 051 007 015 109 029 195 Vivid red
STR 115 023 039 109 069 170 Strong red
DER 076 025 035 109 051 128 Deep red
VDER 025 010 013 109 018 109 Very deep red
MOR 115 046 058 109 080 109 Moderate red
DAR 064 038 043 109 051 064 Dark red
VDAR 025 018 019 109 022 045 Very dark red
LIGRR 153 112 120 109 133 042 Light grayish red
GRR 115 084 090 109 099 039 Grayish red
DAGRR 069 060 061 109 064 018 Dark grayish red
BLR 025 023 023 109 024 013 Blackish red
RGR 140 131 133 109 136 010 Reddish gray
DARGR 089 083 084 109 086 009 Dark reddish gray
RBK 025 025 025 109 025 004 Reddish black
VIYPK 204 043 027 125 116 195 Vivid yellowish pink
STYPK 204 093 082 125 143 139 Strong yellowish pink
DEYPK 153 051 041 125 097 148 Deep yellowish pink
LIYPK 229 160 153 125 191 153 Light yellowish pink
MOYPK 191 133 128 125 159 085 Moderate yellowish pink
DAYPK 153 097 092 125 122 064 Dark yellowish pink
PAYPK 229 197 194 125 212 104 Pale yellowish pink
GRYPK 191 165 162 125 177 048 Grayish yellowish pink
BRPK 191 185 166 165 178 042 Brownish pink
VIRO 128 048 009 140 068 223 Vivid reddish orange
STRO 140 065 028 140 084 170 Strong reddish orange
DERO 102 047 020 140 061 170 Deep reddish orange
MORO 140 084 056 140 098 109 Moderate reddish orange
DARO 102 061 041 140 071 109 Dark reddish orange
GRRO 140 103 084 140 112 064 Grayish reddish orange
STRBR 076 039 020 140 048 148 Strong reddish brown
DERBR 038 021 013 140 025 128 Deep reddish brown
LIRBR 140 115 103 140 122 039 Light reddish brown
MORBR 089 069 059 140 074 051 Moderate reddish brown
DARBR 025 022 020 140 023 028 Dark reddish brown
LIGRRBR 140 125 117 140 129 024 Light grayish reddish brown
GRRBR 089 079 074 140 082 023 Grayish reddish brown
DAGRRBR 051 046 044 140 048 018 Dark grayish reddish brown
VIO 178 099 006 152 092 239 Vivid orange
BIO 217 137 043 152 130 177 Brilliant orange
STO 166 105 033 152 099 170 Strong orange
DEO 128 081 026 152 077 170 Deep orange
LIO 217 164 101 152 159 153 Light orange
MOO 166 125 077 152 122 093 Moderate orange
BRO 128 096 060 152 094 093 Brownish orange
STBR 089 059 024 152 057 148 Strong brown
DEBR 038 028 015 152 027 109 Deep brown
LIBR 140 121 098 152 119 045 Light brown
MOBR 089 078 065 152 077 039 Moderate brown
DABR 025 023 020 152 023 028 Dark brown
LIGRBR 140 136 122 165 131 019 Light grayish brown
GRBR 089 086 077 165 083 018 Grayish brown
DAGRBR 051 050 046 165 048 013 Dark grayish brown
LIBRGR 140 136 131 152 136 010 Light brownish gray
BRGR 089 087 083 152 086 009 Brownish gray
BRBL 001 001 001 152 001 001 Brownish black
VIOY 191 145 006 165 099 239 Vivid orange yellow
BIOY 229 184 046 165 138 200 Brilliant orange yellow
STOY 191 153 038 165 115 170 Strong orange yellow
DEOY 153 122 031 165 092 170 Deep orange yellow
LIOY 229 199 107 165 168 180 Light orange yellow
MOOY 186 161 087 165 137 107 Moderate orange yellow
DAOY 153 133 071 165 112 093 Dark orange yellow
PAOY 229 212 161 165 195 146 Pale orange yellow
STYBR 128 106 043 165 085 127 Strong yellowish brown
DEYBR 051 046 020 170 036 109 Deep yellowish brown
LIYBR 166 159 122 170 144 051 Light yellowish brown
MOYBR 115 110 088 170 101 034 Moderate yellowish brown
DAYBR 038 037 031 170 034 028 Dark yellowish brown
LIGRYBR 166 161 138 170 152 034 Light grayish yellowish brown
GRYBR 115 112 096 170 105 023 Grayish yellowish brown
DAGRYBR 064 062 055 170 059 018 Dark grayish yellowish brown
VIY 153 191 026 194 108 195 Vivid yellow
BIY 198 229 092 194 161 186 Brilliant yellow
STY 163 191 070 194 131 124 Strong yellow
DEY 131 153 056 194 105 118 Deep yellow
LIY 205 229 122 194 176 173 Light yellow
MOY 171 191 102 194 147 105 Moderate yellow
DAY 137 153 082 194 117 078 Dark yellow
PAY 217 229 176 194 203 131 Pale yellow
GRY 181 191 147 194 169 066 Grayish yellow
DAGRY 142 153 107 194 130 047 Dark grayish yellow
YWH 232 237 213 194 225 102 Yellowish white
YGR 187 191 172 194 182 033 Yellowish gray
LIOLBR 139 140 075 181 108 078 Light olive brown
MOOLBR 089 089 054 181 071 064 Moderate olive brown
DAOLBR 038 038 028 181 033 039 Dark olive brown
VIGY 128 191 026 203 108 195 Vivid greenish yellow
BIGY 174 229 084 203 157 189 Brilliant greenish yellow
STGY 141 186 068 203 127 118 Strong greenish yellow
DEGY 116 153 056 203 105 118 Deep greenish yellow
LIGY 189 229 122 203 176 173 Light greenish yellow
MOGY 157 191 102 203 147 105 Moderate greenish yellow
DAGY 126 153 082 203 117 078 Dark greenish yellow
PAGY 203 229 161 203 195 146 Pale greenish yellow
GRGY 169 191 134 203 163 079 Grayish greenish yellow
LIOL 098 128 051 203 089 109 Light olive
MOOL 071 089 042 203 065 093 Moderate olive
DAOL 022 025 017 203 021 051 Dark olive
LIGROL 131 140 117 203 129 024 Light grayish olive
GROL 084 089 074 203 082 023 Grayish olive
DAGROL 048 051 044 203 048 018 Dark grayish olive
LIOLGR 135 140 126 203 133 015 Light olive gray
OLGR 087 089 083 203 086 009 Olive gray
OLBL 025 025 025 203 025 000 Olive black
VILG 068 166 022 221 094 195 Vivid yellow green
BILG 136 229 092 221 161 186 Brilliant yellow green
STLG 091 153 061 221 107 109 Strong yellow green
DELG 060 102 041 221 071 109 Deep yellow green
LILG 177 229 153 221 191 153 Light yellow green
MOLG 118 153 102 221 127 051 Moderate yellow green
PALG 209 229 199 221 214 096 Pale yellow green
GRLG 139 153 133 221 143 023 Grayish yellow green
STOLG 038 076 020 221 048 148 Strong olive green
DEOLG 021 038 013 221 025 128 Deep olive green
MOOLG 069 089 059 221 074 051 Moderate olive green
DAOLG 031 038 028 221 033 039 Dark olive green
GROLG 139 153 133 221 143 023 Grayish olive green
DAGROLG 046 051 044 221 048 018 Dark grayish olive green
VIYG 022 166 041 248 094 195 Vivid yellowish green
BIYG 082 204 098 248 143 139 Brilliant yellowish green
STYG 056 140 067 248 098 109 Strong yellowish green
DEYG 024 089 032 248 057 148 Deep yellowish green
VDEYG 010 038 014 248 024 148 Very deep yellowish green
VLIYG 158 237 168 248 198 176 Very light yellowish green
LIYG 128 191 136 248 159 085 Light yellowish green
MOYG 093 140 100 248 117 051 Moderate yellowish green
DAYG 059 089 063 248 074 051 Dark yellowish green
VDAYG 023 033 024 248 028 045 Very dark yellowish green
VIG 017 128 068 268 072 195 Vivid green
BIG 077 191 129 268 134 121 Brilliant green
STG 046 115 078 268 080 109 Strong green
DEG 020 051 034 268 036 109 Deep green
VLIG 153 229 188 268 191 153 Very light green
LIG 110 166 136 268 138 060 Light green
MOG 076 115 094 268 096 051 Moderate green
DAG 054 076 064 268 065 045 Dark green
VDAG 018 025 021 268 022 045 Very dark green
VPAG 188 217 197 259 202 070 Very pale green
PAG 144 166 154 268 155 028 Pale green
GRG 099 115 106 268 107 018 Grayish green
DAGRG 069 076 072 268 073 013 Dark grayish green
BLG 023 025 024 268 024 013 Blackish green
GWH 236 237 236 248 237 006 Greenish white
LIGGR 191 191 191 248 191 001 Light greenish gray
GGR 140 140 140 248 140 001 Greenish gray
DAGGR 089 089 089 248 089 000 Dark greenish gray
GBL 025 025 025 248 025 000 Greenish black
VIBG 019 140 137 298 079 195 Vivid bluish green
BIBG 077 191 188 298 134 121 Brilliant bluish green
STBG 046 115 113 298 080 109 Strong bluish green
DEBG 020 051 050 298 036 109 Deep bluish green
VLIBG 144 217 215 298 181 124 Very light bluish green
LIBG 110 166 164 298 138 060 Light bluish green
MOBG 076 115 114 298 096 051 Moderate bluish green
DABG 045 064 063 298 054 045 Dark bluish green
VDABG 018 025 025 298 022 045 Very dark bluish green
VIGB 019 071 140 334 079 195 Vivid greenish blue
BIGB 077 126 191 334 134 121 Brilliant greenish blue
STGB 046 076 115 334 080 109 Strong greenish blue
DEGB 020 034 051 334 036 109 Deep greenish blue
VLIGB 144 176 217 334 181 124 Very light greenish blue
LIGB 110 134 166 334 138 060 Light greenish blue
MOGB 076 093 115 334 096 051 Moderate greenish blue
DAGB 042 052 064 334 053 051 Dark greenish blue
VDAGB 018 021 025 334 022 045 Very dark greenish blue
VIB 009 007 102 001 054 223 Vivid blue
BIB 050 048 178 001 113 148 Brilliant blue
STB 032 031 115 001 073 148 Strong blue
DEB 016 015 038 001 027 109 Deep blue
VLIB 118 116 217 001 166 145 Very light blue
LIB 090 088 166 001 127 078 Light blue
MOB 062 061 115 001 088 078 Moderate blue
DAB 027 027 038 001 033 045 Dark blue
VPAB 174 173 217 001 195 092 Very pale blue
PAB 133 133 166 001 149 040 Pale blue
GRB 092 092 115 001 103 028 Grayish blue
DAGRB 055 055 064 001 059 018 Dark grayish blue
BLB 023 023 025 001 024 013 Blackish blue
BWH 222 221 237 001 229 078 Bluish white
LIBGR 179 178 191 001 185 023 Light bluish gray
BGR 131 131 140 001 136 010 Bluish gray
DABGR 083 083 089 001 086 009 Dark bluish gray
BBL 025 025 025 001 025 001 Bluish black
VIPB 043 007 102 023 054 223 Vivid purplish blue
BIPB 097 048 178 023 113 148 Brilliant purplish blue
STPB 063 031 115 023 073 148 Strong purplish blue
DEPB 024 015 038 023 027 109 Deep purplish blue
VLIPB 163 122 229 023 176 173 Very light purplish blue
LIPB 109 082 153 023 117 078 Light purplish blue
MOPB 063 048 089 023 068 078 Moderate purplish blue
DAPB 021 018 025 023 022 045 Dark purplish blue
VPAPB 192 168 229 023 199 139 Very pale purplish blue
PAPB 138 122 166 023 144 051 Pale purplish blue
GRPB 074 065 089 023 077 039 Grayish purplish blue
VIV 083 009 140 034 075 223 Vivid violet
BIV 121 048 178 034 113 148 Brilliant violet
STV 060 024 089 034 057 148 Strong violet
DEV 027 013 038 034 025 128 Deep violet
VLIV 172 116 217 034 166 145 Very light violet
LIV 122 082 153 034 117 078 Light violet
MOV 071 048 089 034 068 078 Moderate violet
DAV 022 018 025 034 022 045 Dark violet
VPAV 203 168 229 034 199 139 Very pale violet
PAV 135 112 153 034 133 042 Pale violet
GRV 079 065 089 034 077 039 Grayish violet
VIP 111 009 128 052 068 223 Vivid purple
BIP 160 048 178 052 113 148 Brilliant purple
STP 103 031 115 052 073 148 Strong purple
DEP 062 023 069 052 046 128 Deep purple
VDEP 023 008 025 052 017 127 Very deep purple
VLIP 203 116 217 052 166 145 Very light purple
LIP 155 088 166 052 127 078 Light purple
MOP 107 061 115 052 088 078 Moderate purple
DAP 066 048 069 052 059 045 Dark purple
VDAP 024 018 025 052 022 045 Very dark purple
VPAP 211 173 217 052 195 092 Very pale purple
PAP 161 133 166 052 149 040 Pale purple
GRP 112 092 115 052 103 028 Grayish purple
DAGRP 068 060 069 052 064 018 Dark grayish purple
BLP 025 023 025 052 024 013 Blackish purple
PWH 235 221 237 052 229 078 Purplish white
LIPGR 189 178 191 052 185 023 Light purplish gray
PGR 139 131 140 052 136 010 Purplish gray
DAPGR 088 083 089 052 086 009 Dark purplish gray
PBL 025 025 025 052 025 001 Purplish black
VIRP 089 006 076 070 048 223 Vivid reddish purple
STRP 115 031 101 070 073 148 Strong reddish purple
DERP 069 023 062 070 046 128 Deep reddish purple
VDERP 025 008 023 070 017 127 Very deep reddish purple
LIRP 153 082 142 070 117 078 Light reddish purple
MORP 115 061 106 070 088 078 Moderate reddish purple
DARP 069 048 066 070 059 045 Dark reddish purple
VDARP 025 018 024 070 022 045 Very dark reddish purple
PARP 153 112 146 070 133 042 Pale reddish purple
GRRP 115 084 110 070 099 039 Grayish reddish purple
BIPPK 217 058 191 070 137 172 Brilliant purplish pink
STPPK 178 048 158 070 113 148 Strong purplish pink
DEPPK 153 031 133 070 092 170 Deep purplish pink
LIPPK 217 116 201 070 166 145 Light purplish pink
MOPPK 178 095 165 070 137 090 Moderate purplish pink
DAPPK 153 082 120 088 117 078 Dark purplish pink
PAPPK 229 184 208 088 207 121 Pale purplish pink
GRPPK 178 143 162 088 161 048 Grayish purplish pink
VIPR 076 005 044 088 041 223 Vivid purplish red
STPR 115 023 073 088 069 170 Strong purplish red
DEPR 069 018 046 088 044 148 Deep purplish red
VDEPR 025 010 018 088 018 109 Very deep purplish red
MOPR 115 046 083 088 080 109 Moderate purplish red
DAPR 069 041 056 088 055 064 Dark purplish red
VDAPR 025 018 022 088 022 045 Very dark purplish red
LIGRPR 153 112 134 088 133 042 Light purplish red
GRPR 115 076 097 088 096 051 Grayish purplish red
WH 255 255 255 000 255 000 White
LIGR 191 191 191 000 191 000 Light gray
MEGR 140 140 140 000 140 000 Medium gray
DAGR 089 089 089 000 089 000 Dark gray
BL 000 000 000 000 000 000 Black
LTGRAY 192 192 192 000 192 000 Light gray
DAGRAY 064 064 064 000 064 000 Dark gray
GREY 128 128 128 000 128 000 Gray
%MACRO poly ( x1, y1, color, pattern, lintyp );
X = &x1;
Y = &y1;
LINE = &lintyp;
STYLE = "&pattern";
IF "&color" =: '*' THEN ;
ELSE color = "&color" ;
FUNCTION = "POLY "; output;
%MEND poly;
%MACRO polycont ( x1, y1, colin );
X = &x1;
Y = &y1;
IF "&colin" =: '*' THEN ;
ELSE color = "&colin";
%MEND polycont;
%macro cbox5(x, y, color);
color = cname;
%poly( &x, &y, *, solid, 1);
%polycont(&x + 5, &y, *);
color = cname;
%polycont(&x + 5, &y + 6, *);
%polycont(&x , &y + 6, *);
%polycont(&x , &y, *);
%mend cbox5;
data sasclrs;
xsys = '1'; ysys = '1'; hsys = '3';
length pagenum function color style cname $ 8;
drop x1 y1;
drop r g b h l s;
retain x1 5 ;
retain y1 92 ;
retain n 0 ;
retain page 1 ;
n + 1;
if n > 292 then stop;
else do;
set colorraw point=n;
pagenum = 'page' || put(page,Z4.);
cname = name;
%cbox5(x1 /* + 44 */, y1, cname);
y1 = y1 - 6;
if y1 < 0 then do;
y1 = 92;
x1 + 5;
goto loop;
Create a gray outline for each polygon. This is particularly useful
in displaying the white color swatch on the white background.
data outlines;
set sasclrs;
data sasclrs;
set sasclrs outlines;
/* Create a simple/dummy map for use with PROC GMAP. */
data mymap;
x=0; y=0; output;
x=1; y=0; output;
x=1; y=1; output;
x=0; y=1; output;
This sample uses > 256 colors; therefore, you have to use SAS 9.2
(SAS 9.1.3 SAS/GRAPH does not support > 256 colors in a single SAS output).
Also, you will need to use DEVICE=PNG or some other device that supports
>256 colors (for example, GIF does not support >256 colors).
goptions reset=all device=png ftitle="Arial/bo" ftext="Arial" gunit=pct htitle=7
htext=4 cback=cornsilk;
ods listing close;
ods html path=odsout body="colors.html" style=minimal;
title "SAS 9.2 >256 Colors";
footnote "Hover your mouse over a color to get color information";
pattern1 v=empty c=cornsilk;
proc gmap data=mymap map=mymap anno=sasclrs;
id id;
choro id / nolegend coutline=cornsilk;
ods html close;
ods listing;
* 통계분석연구회 : http://cafe.daum.net/statsas
* 백승민홈페이지 : http://www.statwith.pe.kr
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