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[SAS 프로그래밍 고수 백승민] [엑셀 Export] 변수명과 라벨 동시에 엑셀로 보내기

Started ‎06-11-2020 by
Modified ‎06-12-2020 by
Views 85

* 엑셀로 데이타 Export시에 사용자에게 변수명과 라벨을 같이 보여주고 싶을때 사용하면 편리한 프로그램 이네요;

* 출처 :;


* Varlabelmaker91                                                                *;
* purpose:  to export variable names and labels to the same top cell in an excel *;
*           worksheet                                                            *;
* Parameters required ,  name of the sas dataset, excel workbook, worksheet, and *;
*                        a location to write the temporary labeler routine       *;

options mprint macrogen symbolgen;
%macro labelvar(sasdata,xlsname,sheetnam,sasprog);
options source2;
ods trace on;
ods output variables=varvol1;
proc contents data=&sasdata;
ods trace off;

data varvol2; set varvol1;

data _null_; set varvol2;
file "&sasprog";
put 'label ' variable ' = ' mergednewvar ';' ;
run; quit;

data temp1; set &sasdata;

%include "&sasprog";

libname myexcel excel &xlsname;

proc sql;
drop table myexcel.&sheetnam;

data myexcel.&sheetnam (dblabel=yes); set temp1;
libname myexcel clear;
%labelvar(,           /* name of sas dataset */
          'c:\sastest\book1.xls',     /* name of the excel file, keep the quotes*/
           newsheet,                   /* name of the worksheet */          
   c:\sastest\;  /* name of the place to write the sas label routine */;

Version history
Last update:
‎06-12-2020 01:35 AM
Updated by:


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