Having issues since upgrading to Win 7 and 2013.
Code looks like this. There also is a close routine, etc. I added in the open in safe mode to see if that would help.
Any advice would be appreciated.
%macro OpenXL;
options noxwait noxsync;
x ' "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\EXCEL.exe /s" ';
data _null_;
options noxwait noxsync missing=' ';
filename sas2xl dde 'excel|system';
data _null_;
length fid rc start stop time 8;
if (fid le 0) then do;
rc=system('start excel');
do while (fid le 0);
if (time ge stop) then fid=1;
%macro OpenShell;
filename cmds dde 'excel|system';
data _null_;
file cmds;
put '[error(false)]'; /*This suppresses errors that may occur if Excel is already open*/
put '[open("C:\Template.xlsx")]';
%macro write_header(actnum, period, sheetname, range);
filename data dde "excel|&sheetname!&range" notab;
data _null_;
set details_&actnum(obs=1);
file data lrecl=1000 stopover;
put actnam;
put actnum;
put "&period";
put '12345';
put '12-3456789';
Please post the full code submitted.
Also, what version of Excel. I've run DDE on Windows 7 with Excel 2010 and 2013 with no issues.
One possibly quick thing to look for may be in your environment. If you are operating in a server enviroment then your admin may have disabled the X command. Or it may have been disabled by configuration.
Run code:
proc options group=envdisplay;run;
And examine results for XCMD. If it does not say something like "The X Command is valid in this SAS session" that would be the first item to address. Note that this option does block DDE if off.
Does the X command open an Excel session? If not paste the command into a Windows command line to check that it works. I'm assuming here that you are running this on your PC in a local SAS session - this is the only way DDE will work.
options noxwait noxsync xmin;
filename sas2xl dde 'excel|system';
data _null_;
length fid rc start stop time 8;
fid = fopen('sas2xl','s');
if (fid le 0) then do;
rc = system('start excel');
start = datetime();
stop = start+10;
do while (fid le 0);
fid = fopen('sas2xl','s');
if (time ge stop) then fid = 1;
The issue does not occur when I have Outlook 2013 closed.
If this resolves the issue for anyone else, please let us know.
Still freezing is happned with closing Outlook 2013.But DDE worked with closing skype!! (FYI:My environment is Win 7,SAS ver9.4,EXCEL 2013.)
Skype was the culprit for me too! Thanks very much!
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