How can we convert single xpt file to sas dataset? How can we convert group of xpt files to SAS datesets in a folder?
%let path_in= D:\XiaKeShan\XPT ; /*XPT文件的路径*/ %let path_out= D:\XiaKeShan\SAS ; /*XPT文件转成SAS数据集的路径*/ libname out v9 "&path_out"; data _null_; rc=filename('x',"&path_in."); did=dopen('x'); do i=1 to dnum(did); memname=dread(did,i); call execute(cat("libname tranfile xport '&path_in\",memname,"';proc copy in=tranfile out=out ; run;")); end; run;
I suggest you try the %XPT2LOC macro.
Thank you.
%let path_in= D:\XiaKeShan\XPT ; /*XPT文件的路径*/ %let path_out= D:\XiaKeShan\SAS ; /*XPT文件转成SAS数据集的路径*/ libname out v9 "&path_out"; data _null_; rc=filename('x',"&path_in."); did=dopen('x'); do i=1 to dnum(did); memname=dread(did,i); call execute(cat("libname tranfile xport '&path_in\",memname,"';proc copy in=tranfile out=out ; run;")); end; run;
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you.
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