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Calcite | Level 5

When using TAGSETS.RTF with a default SAS style, tables produced with proc tabulate that carry over to another page will automatically display the word "(Continued)" under the last row of the table on a page if the table continues with more rows on the next page.





However, when I use a custom style, this message doesn't appear, and instead there is an empty row in the table. The word "(Continued)" isn't simply hidden - it's not there at all.




I've been trying very hard to search for the style element that would fix this. I looked at the source code for the Journal template, and found this:


style Continued from TitlesAndFooters                                   
         "Controls continued flag" /                                          
         font = fonts('headingFont')                                          
         cellpadding = 0                                                      
         borderspacing = 0                                                    
         pretext = text('continued')                                          
         width = 100%                                                         
         textalign = left;            

When I insert this into my own custom template, the border of that final row stretches out to fill the entire page, but the word "(Continued)" doesn't appear, and I can't seem to make that border go away with borderwidth=0.


I have attached the proc template code as a text file to this thread. 


Thank you.






Accepted Solutions


  I agree with BallardW that you need a PARENT= statement and a few other changes. That's how I produced this output:



Note how the Continued text is cyan/turquoise and the Headers are red on gray. I wanted to show that my changed template was being used. In addition to adding COLOR to the definition for Continued and foreground color and background color to the HEADERS element, I also had to change the TEXT element to hold the actual string I wanted to use for the Continued text. Note that my text says "Continued on Next Page..." because I did this:

      style text /
         'Fatal Banner' = 'FATAL:'
         'Error Banner' = 'ERROR:'
         'Warn Banner' = 'WARNING:'
         'Note Banner' = 'NOTE:'
         'Content Title' = 'Table of Contents'
         'Continued' = '(Continued on Next Page ...)' ;


because you had this pretext=text('Continued') in your original code, which is pointing to the Continued attribute in the TEXT style element and your code did not have a Continued attribute in the TEXT style element. So I'm in the habit of using CLASS instead of STYLE and FROM:


      class Continued /                                                                          
         font = fonts('Titlefont2')   
         cellpadding = 0
         borderwidth = 0
         borderspacing = 0                                                    
         pretext = text('Continued')                                          
         width = 100%                                                         
         textalign = left ;            


I have to admit, I didn't bother checking the whole template to see what you had changed from styles.rtf -- I just put a PARENT statement at the top and tweaked a few things and then tried it with PROC PRINT. I didn't really want to bother coming up with a multi-page TABULATE.


  Anyway, the full code I submitted is at the bottom of this post. It produced the file I used for the screenshot.




**The code;

ods path work.tmp(update) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read);

proc template;
   define style Styles.c_style;
     style Body from Document                                                
         "Controls the Body file." /                                          
         marginbottom = 1in                                                
         margintop = 1in                                                   
         marginright = 1in                                                 
         marginleft = 1in; 
      style fonts /
         'TitleFont2' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2,Bold)
         'TitleFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2,Bold)
         'StrongFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2)
         'EmphasisFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2)

         'FixedEmphasisFont' = (Courier,-1)
         'FixedStrongFont' = (Courier,1,Bold)
         'FixedHeadingFont' = (Courier,1)
         'FixedFont' = (Courier,-1)
         'headingEmphasisFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',1)

         'headingFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2) /*,Bold) */
         'docFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2)
         'contentFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',1);
      style color_list /
         'fgA2' = cx000000
         'fgA' = cx000000
         'bgA' = cxFFFFFF;
      style colors /
         'headerfgemph' = color_list('fgA2')
         'headerbgemph' = color_list('bgA')
         'headerfgstrong' = color_list('fgA2')
         'headerbgstrong' = color_list('bgA')
         'headerfg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'headerbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'datafgemph' = color_list('fgA')
         'databgemph' = color_list('bgA')
         'datafgstrong' = color_list('fgA')
         'databgstrong' = color_list('bgA')
         'datafg' = color_list('fgA')
         'databg' = color_list('bgA')
         'batchbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'batchfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'tableborder' = color_list('fgA')
         'tablebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'notefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'notebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'bylinefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'bylinebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'captionfg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'captionbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'proctitlefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'proctitlebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'titlefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'titlebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'systitlefg' = color_list('fgA')
         'systitlebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'Conentryfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'Confolderfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'Contitlefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'contentfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'contentbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'docfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'docbg' = color_list('bgA');
      style html /
         'expandAll' = '<SPAN onClick="if(msie4==1)expandAll()">'

         'posthtml flyover line' = '</SPAN><HR size=3>'

         'prehtml flyover line' = '<SPAN><HR size=3>'

         'prehtml flyover bullet' = '<SPAN><b>&#183;</b>'
         'posthtml flyover' = '</SPAN>'
         'prehtml flyover' = '<SPAN>'
         'break' = '<br>'
         'Line' = '<br>'
         'fake bullet' = '<b>&#183;</b>';
      style text /
         'Fatal Banner' = 'FATAL:'
         'Error Banner' = 'ERROR:'
         'Warn Banner' = 'WARNING:'
         'Note Banner' = 'NOTE:'
         'Content Title' = 'Table of Contents'
		 'Continued' = '(Continued on Next Page ...)'
      style Container
         'Abstract style for basic colors and font.' /
         font = Fonts('DocFont')
         foreground = colors('docfg')
         background = colors('docbg');
      style Index from Container
         'Abstract style for Contents and pages.' /
         foreground = colors('contentfg')
         background = colors('contentbg')
	 font = fonts('Contentfont');
      style Document from Container /
         htmldoctype =
         '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">'

         htmlcontenttype = 'text/html'
         protectspecialchars = auto;
      style Body from Document /
         leftmargin = 8
         pagebreakhtml = html('Line');
      style Frame from Document /
         contentposition = L
         bodyscrollbar = auto
         bodysize = *
         contentscrollbar = auto
         contentsize = 20%
         framespacing = 1
         frameborderwidth = 4
         frameborder = on;
      style Contents from Document /
         bullet = 'upper-roman'
         pagebreakhtml = html('break')
         foreground = colors('contentfg')
         background = colors('contentbg')
	 font = fonts('contentfont')
         leftmargin = 8;
      style flyover /
         bordercolor = colors('docfg')
         foreground = colors('contentfg')
         background = colors('contentbg');
      style Date from Container /
         outputwidth = 100%
         background = colors('contentbg')
         foreground = colors('contentfg');
      style BodyDate from Date /
         background = colors('docbg')
         foreground = colors('docfg');
      style ContentsDate from Date;
      style PagesDate from Date;
      style IndexItem from Container /
         prehtml = html('fake bullet')
         listentryanchor = on
         bullet = 'NONE'
         foreground = colors('conentryfg');
      style ContentFolder from IndexItem /
         posthtml = html('posthtml flyover')
         prehtml = html('prehtml flyover bullet')
         listentryanchor = off
         foreground = colors('confolderfg');
      style ContentItem from IndexItem;
      style PagesItem from IndexItem;
      style IndexProcName from Index /
         listentryanchor = off
         bullet = 'upper-roman'
         posthtml = html('posthtml flyover')
         prehtml = html('prehtml flyover')
         foreground = colors('contitlefg')
	 pretext = "<!"
	 posttext = ">";
      style ContentProcName from IndexProcName ;
      style PagesProcName from IndexProcName;
      style IndexAction from Index;
      style FolderAction from IndexAction;
      style ItemAction from IndexAction;
      style ProcNameAction from IndexAction;
      style TitleAction from IndexAction;
      style IndexTitle from Index /
         posthtml = html('posthtml flyover line')
         prehtml = html('expandAll')
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont')
         foreground = colors('contitlefg');
      style ContentTitle from IndexTitle /
         pretext = text('content title')
	 font = fonts('Contentfont');
      style PagesTitle from IndexTitle ;
      style SysTitleAndFooterContainer from Container /
         rules = NONE /* ALL NONE */
         frame = VOID /* BOX VOID */
         outputwidth = 100%
         cellpadding = 1
         cellspacing = 1
         borderwidth = 0;
      style TitleAndNoteContainer from Container /
         rules = NONE
         frame = VOID
         outputwidth = 100%
         cellpadding = 1
         cellspacing = 1
         borderwidth = 1;
      style TitlesAndFooters from Container /
         font = Fonts('TitleFont2')
         background = colors('systitlebg')
         foreground = colors('systitlefg');
      style BylineContainer from Container /
         background = colors('Docbg')
         rules = NONE
         frame = VOID
         outputwidth = 100%
         cellpadding = 1
         cellspacing = 1
         borderwidth = 1;
      style SystemTitle from TitlesAndFooters /
         font = Fonts('TitleFont');
      style SystemFooter from TitlesAndFooters /
         font = Fonts('TitleFont');
      style Byline from TitlesAndFooters /
         font = fonts('headingFont')
         background = colors('bylinebg')
         foreground = colors('bylinefg');
	  class Continued /                                                                          
         font = fonts('Titlefont2')   
         cellpadding = 0
         borderwidth = 0 
         borderspacing = 0                                                    
         pretext = text('Continued')                                          
         width = 100%                                                         
         textalign = left ;            
      style ProcTitle from TitlesAndFooters /
         background = colors('proctitlebg')
         foreground = colors('proctitlefg');
      style ProcTitleFixed from ProcTitle /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style Output from Container /
         background = colors('tablebg')
         rules = ALL
		 frame = BOX
         cellpadding = 6
         cellspacing = 0
         tagattr = "Border=1";
      style Table from Output
         'Data Table style.';
      style Batch from Output
         'Batch (capture) Output style.' /
         font = fonts('FixedFont')
         foreground = colors('batchfg')
         background = colors('batchbg');
      style Graph from Output
         'Graph style.' /
         cellpadding = 0
         cellspacing = 0
         background = colors('docbg');
      style Note from Container /
         background = colors('notebg')
         foreground = colors('notefg');
      style NoteBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Note Banner');
      style NoteContent from Note;
      style NoteContentFixed from NoteContent /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style WarnBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Warn Banner');
      style WarnContent from Note;
      style WarnContentFixed from Note /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style ErrorBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Error Banner');
      style ErrorContent from Note;
      style ErrorContentFixed from Note /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style FatalBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Fatal Banner');
      style FatalContent from Note;
      style FatalContentFixed from Note /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');

      style Cell from Container;
      style Data from Cell /
         foreground = colors('datafg')
         background = colors('databg');
      style DataFixed from Data /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style DataEmpty from Data;
      style DataEmphasis from Data /
         foreground = colors('datafgemph')
         background = colors('databgemph')
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style DataEmphasisFixed from DataEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style DataStrong from Data /
         foreground = colors('datafgstrong')
         background = colors('databgstrong')
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style DataStrongFixed from DataStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style HeadersAndFooters from Cell /
         font = fonts('HeadingFont')
         foreground = colors('headerfg')
         background = colors('headerbg');
      style Caption from HeadersAndFooters /
         foreground = colors('captionfg')
         background = colors('captionbg');
      style BeforeCaption from Caption;
      style AfterCaption from Caption;
      class Header /
	        font = fonts('HeadingFont')
      style HeaderFixed from Header /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style HeaderEmpty from Header;
      style HeaderEmphasis from Header /
         foreground = colors('headerfgemph')
         background = colors('headerbgemph')
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style HeaderEmphasisFixed from HeaderEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style HeaderStrong from Header /
         foreground = colors('headerfgstrong')
         background = colors('headerbgstrong')
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style HeaderStrongFixed from HeaderStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style RowHeader from Header;
      style RowHeaderFixed from RowHeader /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style RowHeaderEmpty from RowHeader;
      style RowHeaderEmphasis from RowHeader /
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style RowHeaderEmphasisFixed from RowHeaderEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style RowHeaderStrong from RowHeader /
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style RowHeaderStrongFixed from RowHeaderStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style Footer from HeadersAndFooters;
      style FooterFixed from Footer /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style FooterEmpty from Footer;
      style FooterEmphasis from Footer /
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style FooterEmphasisFixed from FooterEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style FooterStrong from Footer /
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style FooterStrongFixed from FooterStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style RowFooter from Footer;
      style RowFooterFixed from RowFooter /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style RowFooterEmpty from RowFooter;
      style RowFooterEmphasis from RowFooter /
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style RowFooterEmphasisFixed from RowFooterEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style RowFooterStrong from RowFooter /
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style RowFooterStrongFixed from RowFooterStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
	  style UserText from UserText /
         foreground = black ;

ods tagsets.rtf file='c:\temp\see_continued.rtf' style=c_style
proc print noobs;
  var Make Model Type Origin DriveTrain	MSRP Invoice EngineSize;
ods tagsets.rtf close;


View solution in original post

Super User

I would suggest using STYLES.RTF as a parent style and only overriding the elements you want to change to create RTF documents.


What destination are you intending to use? Your custom style has an awful lot of HTML elements.


Note from the Tabulate documentation:

Note: Because HTML browsers do not break pages, NOCONTINUED has no effect on the HTML destination.

HTML does not honor CONTINUED in general.



The AFTERCAPTION style element controls appearance of continued and your custom style does not use that.



  I agree with BallardW that you need a PARENT= statement and a few other changes. That's how I produced this output:



Note how the Continued text is cyan/turquoise and the Headers are red on gray. I wanted to show that my changed template was being used. In addition to adding COLOR to the definition for Continued and foreground color and background color to the HEADERS element, I also had to change the TEXT element to hold the actual string I wanted to use for the Continued text. Note that my text says "Continued on Next Page..." because I did this:

      style text /
         'Fatal Banner' = 'FATAL:'
         'Error Banner' = 'ERROR:'
         'Warn Banner' = 'WARNING:'
         'Note Banner' = 'NOTE:'
         'Content Title' = 'Table of Contents'
         'Continued' = '(Continued on Next Page ...)' ;


because you had this pretext=text('Continued') in your original code, which is pointing to the Continued attribute in the TEXT style element and your code did not have a Continued attribute in the TEXT style element. So I'm in the habit of using CLASS instead of STYLE and FROM:


      class Continued /                                                                          
         font = fonts('Titlefont2')   
         cellpadding = 0
         borderwidth = 0
         borderspacing = 0                                                    
         pretext = text('Continued')                                          
         width = 100%                                                         
         textalign = left ;            


I have to admit, I didn't bother checking the whole template to see what you had changed from styles.rtf -- I just put a PARENT statement at the top and tweaked a few things and then tried it with PROC PRINT. I didn't really want to bother coming up with a multi-page TABULATE.


  Anyway, the full code I submitted is at the bottom of this post. It produced the file I used for the screenshot.




**The code;

ods path work.tmp(update) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read);

proc template;
   define style Styles.c_style;
     style Body from Document                                                
         "Controls the Body file." /                                          
         marginbottom = 1in                                                
         margintop = 1in                                                   
         marginright = 1in                                                 
         marginleft = 1in; 
      style fonts /
         'TitleFont2' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2,Bold)
         'TitleFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2,Bold)
         'StrongFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2)
         'EmphasisFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2)

         'FixedEmphasisFont' = (Courier,-1)
         'FixedStrongFont' = (Courier,1,Bold)
         'FixedHeadingFont' = (Courier,1)
         'FixedFont' = (Courier,-1)
         'headingEmphasisFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',1)

         'headingFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2) /*,Bold) */
         'docFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',2)
         'contentFont' = ('Arial, Helvetica, Helv',1);
      style color_list /
         'fgA2' = cx000000
         'fgA' = cx000000
         'bgA' = cxFFFFFF;
      style colors /
         'headerfgemph' = color_list('fgA2')
         'headerbgemph' = color_list('bgA')
         'headerfgstrong' = color_list('fgA2')
         'headerbgstrong' = color_list('bgA')
         'headerfg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'headerbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'datafgemph' = color_list('fgA')
         'databgemph' = color_list('bgA')
         'datafgstrong' = color_list('fgA')
         'databgstrong' = color_list('bgA')
         'datafg' = color_list('fgA')
         'databg' = color_list('bgA')
         'batchbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'batchfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'tableborder' = color_list('fgA')
         'tablebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'notefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'notebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'bylinefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'bylinebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'captionfg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'captionbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'proctitlefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'proctitlebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'titlefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'titlebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'systitlefg' = color_list('fgA')
         'systitlebg' = color_list('bgA')
         'Conentryfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'Confolderfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'Contitlefg' = color_list('fgA2')
         'contentfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'contentbg' = color_list('bgA')
         'docfg' = color_list('fgA')
         'docbg' = color_list('bgA');
      style html /
         'expandAll' = '<SPAN onClick="if(msie4==1)expandAll()">'

         'posthtml flyover line' = '</SPAN><HR size=3>'

         'prehtml flyover line' = '<SPAN><HR size=3>'

         'prehtml flyover bullet' = '<SPAN><b>&#183;</b>'
         'posthtml flyover' = '</SPAN>'
         'prehtml flyover' = '<SPAN>'
         'break' = '<br>'
         'Line' = '<br>'
         'fake bullet' = '<b>&#183;</b>';
      style text /
         'Fatal Banner' = 'FATAL:'
         'Error Banner' = 'ERROR:'
         'Warn Banner' = 'WARNING:'
         'Note Banner' = 'NOTE:'
         'Content Title' = 'Table of Contents'
		 'Continued' = '(Continued on Next Page ...)'
      style Container
         'Abstract style for basic colors and font.' /
         font = Fonts('DocFont')
         foreground = colors('docfg')
         background = colors('docbg');
      style Index from Container
         'Abstract style for Contents and pages.' /
         foreground = colors('contentfg')
         background = colors('contentbg')
	 font = fonts('Contentfont');
      style Document from Container /
         htmldoctype =
         '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">'

         htmlcontenttype = 'text/html'
         protectspecialchars = auto;
      style Body from Document /
         leftmargin = 8
         pagebreakhtml = html('Line');
      style Frame from Document /
         contentposition = L
         bodyscrollbar = auto
         bodysize = *
         contentscrollbar = auto
         contentsize = 20%
         framespacing = 1
         frameborderwidth = 4
         frameborder = on;
      style Contents from Document /
         bullet = 'upper-roman'
         pagebreakhtml = html('break')
         foreground = colors('contentfg')
         background = colors('contentbg')
	 font = fonts('contentfont')
         leftmargin = 8;
      style flyover /
         bordercolor = colors('docfg')
         foreground = colors('contentfg')
         background = colors('contentbg');
      style Date from Container /
         outputwidth = 100%
         background = colors('contentbg')
         foreground = colors('contentfg');
      style BodyDate from Date /
         background = colors('docbg')
         foreground = colors('docfg');
      style ContentsDate from Date;
      style PagesDate from Date;
      style IndexItem from Container /
         prehtml = html('fake bullet')
         listentryanchor = on
         bullet = 'NONE'
         foreground = colors('conentryfg');
      style ContentFolder from IndexItem /
         posthtml = html('posthtml flyover')
         prehtml = html('prehtml flyover bullet')
         listentryanchor = off
         foreground = colors('confolderfg');
      style ContentItem from IndexItem;
      style PagesItem from IndexItem;
      style IndexProcName from Index /
         listentryanchor = off
         bullet = 'upper-roman'
         posthtml = html('posthtml flyover')
         prehtml = html('prehtml flyover')
         foreground = colors('contitlefg')
	 pretext = "<!"
	 posttext = ">";
      style ContentProcName from IndexProcName ;
      style PagesProcName from IndexProcName;
      style IndexAction from Index;
      style FolderAction from IndexAction;
      style ItemAction from IndexAction;
      style ProcNameAction from IndexAction;
      style TitleAction from IndexAction;
      style IndexTitle from Index /
         posthtml = html('posthtml flyover line')
         prehtml = html('expandAll')
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont')
         foreground = colors('contitlefg');
      style ContentTitle from IndexTitle /
         pretext = text('content title')
	 font = fonts('Contentfont');
      style PagesTitle from IndexTitle ;
      style SysTitleAndFooterContainer from Container /
         rules = NONE /* ALL NONE */
         frame = VOID /* BOX VOID */
         outputwidth = 100%
         cellpadding = 1
         cellspacing = 1
         borderwidth = 0;
      style TitleAndNoteContainer from Container /
         rules = NONE
         frame = VOID
         outputwidth = 100%
         cellpadding = 1
         cellspacing = 1
         borderwidth = 1;
      style TitlesAndFooters from Container /
         font = Fonts('TitleFont2')
         background = colors('systitlebg')
         foreground = colors('systitlefg');
      style BylineContainer from Container /
         background = colors('Docbg')
         rules = NONE
         frame = VOID
         outputwidth = 100%
         cellpadding = 1
         cellspacing = 1
         borderwidth = 1;
      style SystemTitle from TitlesAndFooters /
         font = Fonts('TitleFont');
      style SystemFooter from TitlesAndFooters /
         font = Fonts('TitleFont');
      style Byline from TitlesAndFooters /
         font = fonts('headingFont')
         background = colors('bylinebg')
         foreground = colors('bylinefg');
	  class Continued /                                                                          
         font = fonts('Titlefont2')   
         cellpadding = 0
         borderwidth = 0 
         borderspacing = 0                                                    
         pretext = text('Continued')                                          
         width = 100%                                                         
         textalign = left ;            
      style ProcTitle from TitlesAndFooters /
         background = colors('proctitlebg')
         foreground = colors('proctitlefg');
      style ProcTitleFixed from ProcTitle /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style Output from Container /
         background = colors('tablebg')
         rules = ALL
		 frame = BOX
         cellpadding = 6
         cellspacing = 0
         tagattr = "Border=1";
      style Table from Output
         'Data Table style.';
      style Batch from Output
         'Batch (capture) Output style.' /
         font = fonts('FixedFont')
         foreground = colors('batchfg')
         background = colors('batchbg');
      style Graph from Output
         'Graph style.' /
         cellpadding = 0
         cellspacing = 0
         background = colors('docbg');
      style Note from Container /
         background = colors('notebg')
         foreground = colors('notefg');
      style NoteBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Note Banner');
      style NoteContent from Note;
      style NoteContentFixed from NoteContent /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style WarnBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Warn Banner');
      style WarnContent from Note;
      style WarnContentFixed from Note /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style ErrorBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Error Banner');
      style ErrorContent from Note;
      style ErrorContentFixed from Note /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style FatalBanner from Note /
         pretext = text('Fatal Banner');
      style FatalContent from Note;
      style FatalContentFixed from Note /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');

      style Cell from Container;
      style Data from Cell /
         foreground = colors('datafg')
         background = colors('databg');
      style DataFixed from Data /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style DataEmpty from Data;
      style DataEmphasis from Data /
         foreground = colors('datafgemph')
         background = colors('databgemph')
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style DataEmphasisFixed from DataEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style DataStrong from Data /
         foreground = colors('datafgstrong')
         background = colors('databgstrong')
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style DataStrongFixed from DataStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style HeadersAndFooters from Cell /
         font = fonts('HeadingFont')
         foreground = colors('headerfg')
         background = colors('headerbg');
      style Caption from HeadersAndFooters /
         foreground = colors('captionfg')
         background = colors('captionbg');
      style BeforeCaption from Caption;
      style AfterCaption from Caption;
      class Header /
	        font = fonts('HeadingFont')
      style HeaderFixed from Header /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style HeaderEmpty from Header;
      style HeaderEmphasis from Header /
         foreground = colors('headerfgemph')
         background = colors('headerbgemph')
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style HeaderEmphasisFixed from HeaderEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style HeaderStrong from Header /
         foreground = colors('headerfgstrong')
         background = colors('headerbgstrong')
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style HeaderStrongFixed from HeaderStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style RowHeader from Header;
      style RowHeaderFixed from RowHeader /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style RowHeaderEmpty from RowHeader;
      style RowHeaderEmphasis from RowHeader /
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style RowHeaderEmphasisFixed from RowHeaderEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style RowHeaderStrong from RowHeader /
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style RowHeaderStrongFixed from RowHeaderStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style Footer from HeadersAndFooters;
      style FooterFixed from Footer /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style FooterEmpty from Footer;
      style FooterEmphasis from Footer /
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style FooterEmphasisFixed from FooterEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style FooterStrong from Footer /
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style FooterStrongFixed from FooterStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
      style RowFooter from Footer;
      style RowFooterFixed from RowFooter /
         font = fonts('FixedFont');
      style RowFooterEmpty from RowFooter;
      style RowFooterEmphasis from RowFooter /
         font = fonts('EmphasisFont');
      style RowFooterEmphasisFixed from RowFooterEmphasis /
         font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont');
      style RowFooterStrong from RowFooter /
         font = fonts('StrongFont');
      style RowFooterStrongFixed from RowFooterStrong /
         font = fonts('FixedStrongFont');
	  style UserText from UserText /
         foreground = black ;

ods tagsets.rtf file='c:\temp\see_continued.rtf' style=c_style
proc print noobs;
  var Make Model Type Origin DriveTrain	MSRP Invoice EngineSize;
ods tagsets.rtf close;



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