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SAS Employee

SAS Explore is a virtual event for everyone working in SAS (technology, solutions, tools). We have a fantastic line-up of featured guests, speakers, experts, and entertainers. Register and plan your sessions, super demos, and training – all at no cost.


It’s Showtime: Join SAS Explore EMEA on September 28 & 29

Join your peers for a high-caliber virtual event with 100+ sessions, 50 peer-led breakouts, and free training. We’re bringing all the knowledge to you with global showtimes for a worldwide audience.


Watch SAS Explore as it streams or catch it on demand to play back your favorites. After registration, you will access the Attendee Hub, where you can customize your schedule. This event is complimentary.








Look at the FANS program for Nordic SAS FANS! Network meetings and Events, Ask the Expert webinars, Nordic Newsletter, SAS Analytics Explorers, and Meet the Experts. | #SASFANS #sasnordicusers