I have this code for a proc report
And the format for a check mark symbol do not show in the output ?
options mprint;
Proc format;
value pctf
. = ''
low-<0.1 = 'X'
0.1-high = '(*ESC*){unicode "2713"x}'
value colorf
. = white
low-<0.1 = lightmoderatered
0.1-high = lightblue
%macro many_col;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct dato) into :ncols from pdf1;
%put &=ncols;
proc report data=pdf1 style(header) = {background = STEEL color = white};
columns region teststed dato,ventetid;
define Region/group style(header) = {background = STEEL color = white font_weight=bold font_face=calibri} style(column) = {background = STEEL color = white font_weight=bold font_face=calibri};
define teststed/group style(header) = {background = STEEL color = white font_weight=bold font_face=calibri} style(column) = {background = STEEL color = white font_face=calibri};
define dato/across order=internal format= ddmmyyd10. style(header) = {background = STEEL color = white font_weight=bold font_face=calibri};
define ventetid/sum format=pctf5.'';
compute ventetid;
%do i=1 %to &ncols;
call define("_c%eval(&i+2)_",'style','style={background=colorf. color=black font_face=calibri}');