I have been trying to test connection to on premises Oracle installation from a POC of SAS Viya4 on AWS. SAS Access Interface to Oracle is available.
I have followed the wonderful tutorial on the subject at
SAS Demo | How to Configure a SAS/ACCESS Interface in SAS Viya 4
and followed the process with local adaptations. But I get the following error
ERROR: Unable to load oracle client (libclntsh.so)
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
when trying to connect from SAS studio using a simple libname statement (as shown in the above tutorial.
libname test oracle user=validUser password=validPath path="\\validHostname.example.com:1521" SCHEMA=validSchema;
The user, password etc work in normal SAS installation.
I executed the following code in SAS Studio to see if the environment variables are available to SAS or not. The code and output are reproduced below
81 data _null_;
82 if sysexist('PATH') then do;
83 path = sysget('PATH');
84 put path=;
85 end;
86 else do;
87 put "PATH does not exist";
88 end;
89 if sysexist('ORACLE_HOME') then do;
90 Oracle_Home = sysget('ORACLE_HOME');
91 put Oracle_HOME=;
92 end;
93 else do;
94 put "ORACLE_HOME does not exist";
95 end;
96 if sysexist('ORACLE_BIN') then do;
97 Oracle_Bin = sysget('ORACLE_BIN');
98 put oracle_bin=;
99 end;
100 else do;
101 put "ORACLE_BIN does not exist";
102 end;
103 if sysexist('TNS_ADMIN') then do;
104 Tns_admin = sysget('TNS_ADMIN');
105 put Tns_admin=;
106 end;
107 else do;
108 put "TNS_ADMIN does not exist";
109 end;
110 if sysexist('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') then do;
111 LD_LIB_PATH = sysget('LD_LIBRARY_PATH');
112 put LD_LIB_PATH=;
113 end;
114 else do;
115 put "LD_LIB_PATH does not exist";
116 end;
117 run;
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
From the above code output,it is clear that the instant client path and libraries are clearly visible.
I feel SAS Viya 4 on the cloud must have been around for some time and other users must have successfully accomplished this task.
I would appreciate if any of them can share their thoughts about what could have gone wrong.
PS : I did see this post with similar error and feel the resolution would not work for me