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Obsidian | Level 7

Hi everybody,


In our organization, different users are located in different places and we don't exactly know who is using and how many are using SAS.

So is there any way to find how many are connecting to SAS and using SAS and who are connected. 

I tried to look in objective server logs it is kinda difficult and tedious job.

Is there any other process to do that?


Thanks in advance

Barite | Level 11

As you know, SAS comes in many different configurations, so I'm going to offer a starting point, rather than a solution.


Have a look at the Metadata server logs. Pretty much everything in SAS, human user or system process connects to the Metadata server at some point.


For SAS Enterprise Guide for example, the Metadata server log will show you the user id, IP and SAS application that connected. Look for a string 'New client connection' in the log. Over a period of time, this will start giving you a good indication of who (userid) is connecting from where (ID address) and how often (number of connections).



Obsidian | Level 7

It would also help to know what version of SAS you are running, which solutions and what the operating system is.  Some of this information you may be able to get with Environment Manager and Auditing on newer SAS versions.

Obsidian | Level 7

We have SAS 9.2 version with EG and EM. SAS 9.2 is installed on SUN OS and EG and EM are installed on Windows 2008 R2 servers.



Obsidian | Level 7

Looking at the metadata logs may give you some helpful information but it probably won't let you know how many users are active on the system.  Once upon a time, there used to be an APM(?) package that you could download and add to your servers that would provide some helpful reports.  They may still be available via tech support (SAS uses Environment Manager in later versions).  


It's been a while since I worked with SAS 9.2 but you may be able to look at the active sessions on the workspaces by logging into SAS Management Console and connecting to the Object Spawner machine (expand server manager, object spawner and right click on the machine name and select "connect") for each node (this is highly dependent on your topology).  Look under the "Options" tab for attrributes with CurrentRunningServers or CurrentServers for each node.  I'm not 100% sure if these are tracked in 9.2 but they may be.  Worst case, you can always count the number of sasexe processes on the Solaris server (which I'm assuming is where your workspaces live).  This will give you a rough idea of how many sas processes are running.  I would suggest seeing how many "SAS_work..." files are in your work directory but this may have stale content and/or nested SAS_work... files.

Super User

The SAS workspace server sessions have certain identifiable options on the commandline:

ps -ef|grep bridge|grep spawned|sort|pg

will give you a list of your workspace server sessions on a given server.

Since this is a command for AIX, you might have to use different options for the ps, and a different paging filter (less) instead of pg

Obsidian | Level 7
Thanks, @nhvdwalt. I will try to do that.

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