Proc pls data= AllYield_SF_WE NFAC=3 details method=pls; by Rot_RotYr ; class Rep T_System; model yield = PPT MeanT MaxT SolarR MinT; output out=outpls predicted = yhat1 yresidual = yres1 xresidual = xres1-xres5 xscore = xscr yscore = yscr; run; endsas; The SAS System 17:08 Wednesday, March 22, 2017 2 --------------------------------------------------------- Rot_RotYr=SF 1 1 --------------------------------------------------------- The PLS Procedure Data Set WORK.ALLYIELD_SF_WE Factor Extraction Method Partial Least Squares PLS Algorithm NIPALS Number of Response Variables 1 Number of Predictor Parameters 5 Missing Value Handling Exclude Number of Factors 3 Number of Observations Read 29 Number of Observations Used 29 The SAS System 17:08 Wednesday, March 22, 2017 3 --------------------------------------------------------- Rot_RotYr=SF 1 1 --------------------------------------------------------- The PLS Procedure Percent Variation Accounted for by Partial Least Squares Factors Number of Extracted Model Effects Dependent Variables Factors Current Total Current Total 1 74.3212 74.3212 45.9303 45.9303 2 15.6414 89.9626 3.0949 49.0251 3 4.4150 94.3776 2.2691 51.2942 The SAS System 17:08 Wednesday, March 22, 2017 4 --------------------------------------------------------- Rot_RotYr=SF 1 1 --------------------------------------------------------- The PLS Procedure Model Effect Loadings Number of Extracted Factors PPT MeanT MaxT SolarR MinT 1 0.392139 -0.498182 -0.509550 -0.409185 -0.413483 2 0.665047 0.282026 0.067565 -0.192983 0.660580 3 0.109912 -0.257164 -0.370844 0.885569 -0.005279 Model Effect Weights Number of Inner Extracted Regression Factors PPT MeanT MaxT SolarR MinT Coefficients 1 0.461561 -0.482420 -0.531131 -0.421750 -0.327605 0.351567 2 0.585995 0.202973 -0.136005 -0.065783 0.831900 0.198929 3 -0.664077 -0.489839 -0.961744 0.669529 0.483004 0.320606 Dependent Variable Weights Number of Extracted Factors Yield 1 1.000000 2 1.000000 3 1.000000