1 The SAS System 10:18 Monday, May 30, 2016 1 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 2 OPTIONS PAGENO=MIN; 3 %LET SYSLAST=WORK.'LOW_RECTAL_POLLETT'n; 4 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='lrp_final'; 5 %LET 5 ! _CLIENTPROJECTPATH='C:\Users\nmurigu\Documents\RMIT\IRP\IRP_MATH2262-2016-04-07\IRP_MATH2262\Lower_rectal_cancer_analysis 5 ! .egp'; 6 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME='Lower_rectal_cancer_analysis.egp'; 7 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=; 8 9 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 10 OPTIONS DEV=ACTIVEX; 11 GOPTIONS XPIXELS=0 YPIXELS=0; 12 FILENAME EGSR TEMP; 13 ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR STYLE=HtmlBlue 13 ! STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files/SASHome/SASEnterpriseGuide/5.1/Styles/HtmlBlue.css") NOGTITLE NOGFOOTNOTE 13 ! GPATH=&sasworklocation ENCODING=UTF8 options(rolap="on"); NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.SASREPORT13(EGSR) Body file: EGSR 14 15 GOPTIONS ACCESSIBLE; 16 proc mi data=low_rectal nimpute=20 out=LOW_RECTAL_mi ; 17 class operation sex therapy treatment acps distal_margin radial_margin cat_age; 18 var operation sex therapy treatment acps distal_margin radial_margin cat_age age; 19 fcs reg logistic ; 20 ods select misspattern; 21 run; WARNING: The maximum likelihood estimates for the logistic regression with observed observations may not exist for variable treatment. The posterior predictive distribution of the parameters used in the imputation process is based on the maximum likelihood estimates in the last maximum likelihood iteration. WARNING: The maximum likelihood estimates for the logistic regression with observed observations may not exist for variable DISTAL_MARGIN. The posterior predictive distribution of the parameters used in the imputation process is based on the maximum likelihood estimates in the last maximum likelihood iteration. WARNING: The maximum likelihood estimates for the logistic regression with observed observations may not exist for variable RADIAL_MARGIN. The posterior predictive distribution of the parameters used in the imputation process is based on the maximum likelihood estimates in the last maximum likelihood iteration. WARNING: The maximum likelihood estimates for the logistic regression with observed observations may not exist for variable therapy. The posterior predictive distribution of the parameters used in the imputation process is based on the maximum likelihood estimates in the last maximum likelihood iteration. WARNING: The maximum likelihood estimates for the logistic regression with observed observations may not exist for variable ACPS. The posterior predictive distribution of the parameters used in the imputation process is based on the maximum likelihood estimates in the last maximum likelihood iteration. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:21,275+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 2979013555| _DISARM| 29440957082| _DISARM| 18.018115| _DISARM| 18.142000| _DISARM| 1780190163.134000| _DISARM| 1780190181.276000| _DISARM| 16.395705| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: The data set WORK.LOW_RECTAL_MI has 3880 observations and 36 variables. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:21,275+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 2979063361| _DISARM| 29441007669| _DISARM| 18.018115| _DISARM| 18.142000| _DISARM| 1780190163.134000| _DISARM| 1780190181.276000| _DISARM| 16.395705| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: PROCEDURE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:21,291+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| 24158208| _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 2979088197| _DISARM| 29441014596| _DISARM| 18.033715| _DISARM| 18.158000| _DISARM| 1780190163.134000| _DISARM| 1780190181.292000| _DISARM| 16.395705| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: PROCEDURE MI used (Total process time): 2 The SAS System 10:18 Monday, May 30, 2016 real time 18.15 seconds user cpu time 16.39 seconds system cpu time 1.63 seconds memory 2569.09k OS Memory 21540.00k Timestamp 05/30/2016 11:16:21 AM 22 23 ods graphics on; 24 proc phreg data= LOW_RECTAL_mi outest=out covout; 25 class operation sex therapy treatment acps 26 distal_margin radial_margin ; 27 class operation(ref='APR') sex(ref='F') therapy(ref='None') treatment(ref='surgery') acps(ref='3') 28 distal_margin(ref='Not reported') radial_margin(ref='Not reported') ; 29 model os*os_censor(0)=operation sex therapy treatment acps distal_margin radial_margin cat_age age 30 /covb slentry=0.99 slstay=0.995 rl=both best=5; 31 hazardratio operation/diff=all; 32 ods output PARAMETERESTIMATES=parms2 covb=cov2; 33 by _imputation_; 34 id univid; 35 format cat_age age.; 36 run; NOTE: SLENTRY= is ignored since SELECTION=NONE. NOTE: SLSTAY= is ignored since SELECTION=NONE. NOTE: BEST= is ignored since SELECTION=NONE. NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:21,400+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 269| _DISARM| 29447051604| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 1780190181.401000| _DISARM| 1780190181.401000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:21,431+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 269| _DISARM| 29447108221| _DISARM| 0.015600| _DISARM| 0.015000| _DISARM| 1780190181.417000| _DISARM| 1780190181.432000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=1 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=2 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=3 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=4 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=5 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=6 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=7 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=8 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. 3 The SAS System 10:18 Monday, May 30, 2016 NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=9 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=10 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=11 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=12 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=13 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=14 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=15 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=16 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=17 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=18 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=19 NOTE: Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Imputation Number=20 NOTE: The data set WORK.COV2 has 260 observations and 16 variables. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,194+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 83671753| _DISARM| 29530780757| _DISARM| 1.731611| _DISARM| 1.763000| _DISARM| 1780190181.432000| _DISARM| 1780190183.195000| _DISARM| 1.716011| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: The data set WORK.PARMS2 has 260 observations and 14 variables. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,210+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 83766149| _DISARM| 29530818536| _DISARM| 1.778411| _DISARM| 1.810000| _DISARM| 1780190181.401000| _DISARM| 1780190183.211000| _DISARM| 1.731611| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,210+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 89882839| _DISARM| 29530916599| _DISARM| 1.887612| _DISARM| 1.919000| _DISARM| 1780190181.292000| _DISARM| 1780190183.211000| _DISARM| 1.840812| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT has 280 observations and 19 variables. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,210+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 89932122| _DISARM| 29530966663| _DISARM| 1.887612| _DISARM| 1.919000| _DISARM| 1780190181.292000| _DISARM| 1780190183.211000| _DISARM| 1.840812| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: PROCEDURE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,210+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| 24158208| _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 89953374| _DISARM| 29530970006| _DISARM| 1.887612| _DISARM| 1.919000| _DISARM| 1780190181.292000| _DISARM| 1780190183.211000| _DISARM| 1.840812| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: PROCEDURE PHREG used (Total process time): real time 1.91 seconds user cpu time 1.84 seconds system cpu time 0.04 seconds memory 2369.28k 4 The SAS System 10:18 Monday, May 30, 2016 OS Memory 21540.00k Timestamp 05/30/2016 11:16:23 AM 37 38 proc mianalyze parms(classvar=classval)=parms2 covb(effectvar=stacking)=cov2; 39 /* class operation sex therapy treatment acps distal_margin radial_margin cat_age;*/ 40 modeleffects OperationAPR SEXF therapyNone therapyPostOp therapyPreOp 41 treatmentcombined ACPS1 ACPS2 'DISTAL_MARGINNot involved'n 42 RADIAL_MARGINInvolved 'RADIAL_MARGINNot involved'n cat_age; 43 ODS OUTPUT PARAMETERESTIMATES=mian_ parms2; 44 RUN; ERROR: Within-imputation Estimate missing for variable OperationAPR in _Imputation_= 1 in the input PARMS= data set. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,225+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 58162| _DISARM| 29531043147| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 1780190183.226000| _DISARM| 1780190183.226000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: MVA_DSIO.OPEN_CLOSE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,225+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| | _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 41268| _DISARM| 29531043418| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 1780190183.226000| _DISARM| 1780190183.226000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: PROCEDURE| _DISARM| STOP| _DISARM| 2016-05-30T11:16:23,225+10:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | _DISARM| 24158208| _DISARM| 22056960| _DISARM| 12| _DISARM| 20| _DISARM| 71736| _DISARM| 29531043689| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| 1780190183.226000| _DISARM| 1780190183.226000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM NOTE: PROCEDURE MIANALYZE used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 314.87k OS Memory 21540.00k Timestamp 05/30/2016 11:16:23 AM WARNING: Output 'parms2' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used. WARNING: Output 'PARAMETERESTIMATES' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used. 45 46 GOPTIONS NOACCESSIBLE; 47 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL=; 48 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=; 49 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=; 50 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=; 51 52 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 53 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 54 55 56 QUIT; RUN; 57