ods listing close; ods pdf file="D:\Data\SPARCS\reportcard\outputfile.pdf" style=SASdocprinter notoc; PROC REPORT DATA=rptcrd.inputfile nowindows headline headskip split='*' style(header)=[fontsize=1] style(report)=[fontsize=1] style(report)=[fontsize=1] ; options number nonumber nodate center missing=' ' orientation = landscape; LABEL claim_type = "Claim Type "; BY DESCENDING claim_type; column facility_name pfi CFI_PT_ind homelessind pfidisppctind ipdxprscrcrd opdxprscrcrd pntoforgn_scrcrd pntoforgnnb_scrcrd dischhrind eth_scrcrd race_scrcrd racespec_scrcrd; define facility_name / display "Facility*Name" width=70 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define pfi / id "PFI" width=6 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define CFI_PT_ind / display "CFI/Payment*Typology Issue1" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define homelessind / display "County/Homeless*Issue2" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define pfidisppctind / display "Patient*Disposition*Issue3" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define ipdxprscrcrd / display "Inpatient*Diag and*Proc Issue4" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define opdxprscrcrd / display "Outpatient*Diag and*Proc Issue5" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define pntoforgn_scrcrd / display "Point of*Origin Issue6" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define pntoforgnnb_scrcrd / display "Point of*Origin*(Newborn) Issue7" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define dischhrind / display "Discharge*Hour*Issue8" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define eth_scrcrd / display "Ethnicity*Issue9" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define race_scrcrd / display "Race*Issue10" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; define racespec_scrcrd / display "Race*Specificity*Issue11" width=1 style(column)=[fontsize=1]; * MOD function to determine if row is odd or even; COMPUTE facility_name; line_count + 1; IF MOD(line_count,2) = 0 THEN DO; CALL DEFINE(_row_,"style","style={background = LIGR}"); END; ENDCOMP; COMPUTE after _PAGE_ / LEFT; LINE "CLAIM TYPE: I = Inpatient, E = Emergency Room, A = Ambulatory Surgery"; LINE "1 Indicator signifies possible mis-match between Claim Filing Indicator and Payer Topology"; LINE "2 Indicator signifies County=99 greater than 20% Total Discharges and Residence Indicator=H greater than Address=Homeless"; LINE "3 Indicator signifies 100% of discharges, greater than 10, were to HOME"; LINE "4 Indicator signifies Average Number of Inpatient Diagnosis or Average Number of Procedures is below 10th percentile within Region"; LINE "5 Indicator signifies Average Number of Outpatient Diagnosis or Average Number of Procedures is below 10th percentile within Region"; LINE "6 Indicator signifies incorrect codes populate point of origin data field"; LINE "7 Indicator signifies incorrect codes populate point of origin data field (Newborns Only)"; LINE "8 Indicator signifies discharge hour reported is greater than 50% of all the discharge hours reported"; LINE "9 Indicator signifies a facility with 1) Combined Hispanic rate of 0% or 2) Unknown rate of 100%"; LINE "10 Indicator signifies a facility with either an OTHER rate of 100% or Total Discharges are greater than 200 and the WHITE rate is 100%"; LINE "11 Indicator signifies a facility where the number of discharges for either Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander"; LINE " or Multi are greater than 50 and the coresponding 'Specific' equals 0"; ENDCOMP; footnote1 bold font=times color=black h=2 J=L "Report Date: %sysfunc(putn("&sysdate"d,mmddyy10.))"; RUN; ods pdf close; ods listing;