Proc iml; P=2 ; n=3 ; nruns=1; B= {1, 1}; nX1= { 0.019831833 0.150408859 0.782582506 }; nx2={ 1.008931805 0.365347241 0.055856515 };Do j=1 to nruns;E= 1#normal(repeat(-1,n));?nx= nx1||nx2;nY=nx* B+E; start fun(DEV) global (n,p); sumf=0; do i = 1 to 6; sumf = sumf + (DEV[I]); end;return (sumf); finish fun; start con(DEV) global (nx,ny);c=j(12,1,0); sumc1= DEV[1]-DEV[4]+(DEV[7]*NX[1,1])+(DEV[8]*NX[1,2]); sumc2=DEV[2]-DEV[5]+(DEV[7]*NX[2,1])+(DEV[8]*NX[2,2]); sumc3=DEV[3]-DEV[6]+(DEV[7]*NX[3,1])+(DEV[8]*NX[3,2]); ?c[1]= NY[1]-sumc1;c[2]=NY[2]-SUMC2;c[3]=NY[3]-SUMC3;c[4]=dev[1];c[5]=dev[2]; c[6]=dev[3]; c[7]=dev[4]; c[8]=dev[5]; c[9]=dev[6]; c[10]=dev[1]*dev[4]; c[11]=dev[2]*dev[5]; c[12]=dev[3]*dev[6];return (c);finish con; dev0={0,0, 0,0 ,0,0,0,0};optn=j(1,11,.); optn[11]=6; optn[10]=12; call nlpnms (rc, devres, "fun", dev0, optn) nlc="con";