Welcome to SAS 9.4.0 SSS AAA SSS 999 4 4 S S A A S S 9 9 4 4 S A S 9 9 4 4 S A S 9 9 4 4 S AAAA S 9999 44444 S A A S 9 4 Many support issues S S A A S S 9 4 can be resolved by S S A A S S 9 4 checking SAS support SSS AAAAA SSS 9 0 4 WEB site: http://www.sas.com/service/techsup/intro.html NOTE: SAS system options specified are: IMSID=IMSD IMSREGTP=BMP NOTE: 32M bytes were available above the line at initialization. NOTE: 6208K bytes were available below the line at initialization. NOTE: 32256K bytes were available above the line after adjustment for MEMLEAVE=512K. NOTE: The initialization phase used 0.08 CPU seconds and 12236K. NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 880K below the line and 14420K above the line. 25 26 OPTIONS ERRORABEND ERROR=0 SYMBOLGEN FULLSTIMER; 27 OPTIONS MPRINT MLOGIC spool; 28 29 *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>; 30 * Get Current DateTimestamp ; 31 *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>; 32 33 %let yymm = %sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(date()),yymmdd4.)); 34 %let yymmdd = %sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(date()),yymmdd6.)); 35 %let tmptime = 36 %sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(time()),time8.)),:)); 37 %let hhmmss = %sysfunc(putn(&tmptime,z6.)); SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TMPTIME resolves to 110505 38 39 ***************************************************************; 40 * IMS call macros and parameters *; 41 ***************************************************************; 42 43 data _null_; 44 infile dbenv; 45 input 46 @01 dbname $8. 47 @10 psb $8. 48 ; 49 call symput('dbname',dbname); 50 call symput('psb',psb); 51 run; NOTE: The infile DBENV is: Dsname=EN38.PARMLIB(PL00502A), Unit=3390,Volume=DEV130,Disp=SHR,Blksize=27840, Lrecl=80,Recfm=FB,Creation=2017/03/02 NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile DBENV. NOTE: The DATA statement used the following resources: CPU time - 00:00:00.02 Elapsed time - 00:00:00.54 EXCP count - 130 Task memory - 396K (256K data, 140K program) Total memory - 13483K (5112K data, 8371K program) Timestamp - 8/28/2017 11:05:05 AM NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 880K below the line and 16988K above the line. 13 The SAS System 11:05 Monday, August 28, 2017 51 ! 52 53 macro indli 54 infile psb dli 55 dbname=database 56 call=callfunc 57 ssa=SSA1 58 status=statcode 59 lrecl=720 60 ; 61 % 62 63 macro psb &psb %; 64 65 data have; 66 infile intxn; 67 input 68 @001 warn_rec $160. 69 @001 srvcr $6. 70 @007 lnno $9. 71 @016 cycno yymmdd6. 72 @022 svcrln $13. 73 @035 phnbr $10. 74 @055 ddlpi yymmdd6. 75 @061 totupbw $12. 76 @061 totupb S370FZDT12.2 77 @073 intduew $12. 78 @073 intdue S370FZDT12.2 79 @085 prinduew $12. 80 @085 prindue S370FZDT12.2 81 @097 excptcd $2. 82 @099 excptdt $6. 83 @105 prepayw $12. 84 @105 prepay S370FZDT12.2 85 @117 titlhld $1. 86 @118 userid $3. 87 @121 corrind $1. 88 @122 noterate $10. 89 @132 mpandi $12. 90 @144 acctcd $6. 91 @150 errflag $1. 92 @151 tstlivfg $1. 93 @152 dactfg $1. 94 @153 override $1. 95 @154 nflind $1. 96 @155 lprd $6. 97 ; 98 if excptdt = ' ' then excptdt = '000000'; 99 run; NOTE: The infile INTXN is: Dsname=EN38.BKP2090.CHNG.WORK.MRTG0001.G0010V00, Unit=3390,Volume=DEV131,Disp=SHR,Blksize=27776, Lrecl=248,Recfm=FB,Creation=2017/07/18 NOTE: 31 records were read from the infile INTXN. NOTE: The data set WORK.HAVE has 31 observations and 29 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used the following resources: 14 The SAS System 11:05 Monday, August 28, 2017 CPU time - 00:00:00.02 Elapsed time - 00:00:00.50 EXCP count - 119 Task memory - 562K (274K data, 288K program) Total memory - 13656K (5240K data, 8416K program) Timestamp - 8/28/2017 11:05:06 AM NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 880K below the line and 17420K above the line. 99 ! 100 101 ***************************************************************; 102 * Read oau10 segment using GU call *; 103 ***************************************************************; 104 105 data want; 106 set have; 107 length SSA1 $60.; 108 109 indli SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable PSB resolves to C0631341 110 database="&dbname"; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DBNAME resolves to C0627619 111 callfunc='GU '; 112 SSA1='OAU0010S(OAU0010F ='||lnno||')'; 113 114 input 115 @001 lnno $9. 116 @041 groupno $7. 117 @073 lnany pd4.6 118 ; 119 120 put '--- LNNO# ---> ' lnno; 121 put '--- GROUP#1---> ' groupno; 122 put '--- ANY1# ---> ' lnany; 123 124 if statcode not in ( ' ', 'GE' ) then do; 125 put '--- error ---> ' _all_; 126 abort return 1111; 127 end; 128 run; NOTE: The infile C0631341 is: Data Base PSB=C0631341, PSB Language=ASSEMBLER/COBOL, Starting PCB number=2 --- LNNO# ---> 367940841 --- GROUP#1---> T397040 --- ANY1# ---> 0.06125 --- LNNO# ---> 373065728 --- GROUP#1---> U398100 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0475 --- LNNO# ---> 175597502 --- GROUP#1---> S990745 --- ANY1# ---> 0.07125 --- LNNO# ---> 175597502 --- GROUP#1---> S990745 15 The SAS System 11:05 Monday, August 28, 2017 --- ANY1# ---> 0.07125 --- LNNO# ---> 180878441 --- GROUP#1---> E790470 --- ANY1# ---> 0.04625 --- LNNO# ---> 158072200 --- GROUP#1---> B132487 --- ANY1# ---> 0.06 --- LNNO# ---> 199994811 --- GROUP#1---> 1518520 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0275 --- LNNO# ---> 019354533 --- GROUP#1---> H356133 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0605 --- LNNO# ---> 180878441 --- GROUP#1---> E790470 --- ANY1# ---> 0.04625 --- LNNO# ---> 158072200 --- GROUP#1---> B132487 --- ANY1# ---> 0.06 --- LNNO# ---> 158072200 --- GROUP#1---> B132487 --- ANY1# ---> 0.06 --- LNNO# ---> 122492196 --- GROUP#1---> AQ44887 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0475 --- LNNO# ---> 261454099 --- GROUP#1---> U000360 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0275 --- LNNO# ---> 261454099 --- GROUP#1---> U000360 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0275 --- LNNO# ---> 143798189 --- GROUP#1---> X341565 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0702 --- LNNO# ---> 143798189 --- GROUP#1---> X341565 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0702 --- LNNO# ---> 367940841 --- GROUP#1---> T397040 --- ANY1# ---> 0.06125 --- LNNO# ---> 373065728 --- GROUP#1---> U398100 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0475 --- LNNO# ---> 430912595 --- GROUP#1---> Q926702 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0375 --- LNNO# ---> 000808229 --- GROUP#1---> BB28849 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0625 --- LNNO# ---> 430912595 --- GROUP#1---> Q926702 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0375 --- LNNO# ---> 199994811 --- GROUP#1---> 1518520 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0275 --- LNNO# ---> 199994811 --- GROUP#1---> 1518520 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0275 16 The SAS System 11:05 Monday, August 28, 2017 --- LNNO# ---> 019354533 --- GROUP#1---> H356133 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0605 --- LNNO# ---> 019354533 --- GROUP#1---> H356133 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0605 --- LNNO# ---> 029267455 --- GROUP#1---> BE35694 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0625 --- LNNO# ---> 122381807 --- GROUP#1---> A988750 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0625 --- LNNO# ---> 157995194 --- GROUP#1---> V528681 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0348 --- LNNO# ---> 029267455 --- GROUP#1---> BE35694 --- ANY1# ---> 0.0625 --- LNNO# ---> 122382609 --- GROUP#1---> A998600 --- ANY1# ---> 0.065 --- LNNO# ---> 122382609 --- GROUP#1---> A998600 --- ANY1# ---> 0.065 NOTE: 31 records were read from the infile C0631341. The minimum record length was 650. The maximum record length was 650. NOTE: There were 31 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE. NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 31 observations and 31 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used the following resources: CPU time - 00:00:00.10 Elapsed time - 00:00:02.63 EXCP count - 322 Task memory - 584K (168K data, 416K program) Total memory - 13746K (5240K data, 8506K program) Timestamp - 8/28/2017 11:05:08 AM NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 2020K below the line and 17712K above the line. 134 *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>; 135 * Write out warning file ; 136 *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>; 137 138 data _null_; 139 set want; 140 edterr= '0310'; 141 edtsvrt= 'W'; 142 filler2 = ' '; 143 file wartxn; 144 put @001 warn_rec $160. 145 @161 groupno $7. 146 @168 edterr $4. 17 The SAS System 11:05 Monday, August 28, 2017 147 @172 edtsvrt $1. 148 @173 filler2 $165 149 @338 edtsvrt $1. 150 @339 lnany S370FZDT10.9 151 @349 ppnltyof $1. 152 @350 intbrng pd6.2 153 @356 nintbrng pd6.2 154 @362 crtmt pd6.2 155 @368 bic pd6.2 156 @374 slrname $29. 157 ; 158 run; NOTE: Variable ppnltyof is uninitialized. NOTE: Variable intbrng is uninitialized. NOTE: Variable nintbrng is uninitialized. NOTE: Variable crtmt is uninitialized. NOTE: Variable bic is uninitialized. NOTE: Variable slrname is uninitialized. NOTE: The file WARTXN is: Dsname=EN38.PML.PPLX2040.MRTG0005, Unit=3390,Volume=DEV101,Disp=NEW,Blksize=27807, Lrecl=403,Recfm=FB,Creation=2017/08/28 NOTE: 31 records were written to the file WARTXN. NOTE: There were 31 observations read from the data set WORK.WANT. NOTE: The DATA statement used the following resources: CPU time - 00:00:00.02 Elapsed time - 00:00:00.49 EXCP count - 122 Task memory - 690K (274K data, 416K program) Total memory - 13770K (5240K data, 8530K program) Timestamp - 8/28/2017 11:05:09 AM NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 2020K below the line and 17740K above the line. 158 ! 159 NOTE: The SAS session used 0.30 CPU seconds and 13770K. NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 2020K below the line and 17740K above the line. NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414