1 The SAS System 08:21 Friday, August 16, 2024 1 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 2 OPTIONS PAGENO=MIN; 3 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='Read_cod_file'; 4 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME='Process Flow'; 5 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH='G:\sas\Project.egp'; 6 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST='PHE-3J096404H'; 7 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME='Project.egp'; 8 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE='G:\sas\Read_cod_file.sas'; 9 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST='PHE-3J096404H'; 10 11 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 12 OPTIONS DEV=PNG; 13 GOPTIONS XPIXELS=0 YPIXELS=0; 14 FILENAME EGSR TEMP; 15 ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR 16 STYLE=HtmlBlue 17 STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SASHome/x86/SASEnterpriseGuide/7.1/Styles/HtmlBlue.css") 18 NOGTITLE 19 NOGFOOTNOTE 20 GPATH=&sasworklocation 21 ENCODING=UTF8 22 options(rolap="on") 23 ; NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.SASREPORT13(EGSR) Body file: EGSR 24 25 GOPTIONS ACCESSIBLE; 26 data diseases; 27 length disease $30 count 4 l1-l7 u1-u7 8; 28 array lower l1-l7; 29 array upper u1-u7; 30 infile "&sas_dir.\deaths_short.txt" delimiter=' ' dsd; 31 input disease; 32 input count; 33 do count2=1 to count; 34 input lower[count2] upper[count2]; 35 end; 36 run; NOTE: The infile "G:\sas\deaths_short.txt" is: Filename=G:\sas\deaths_short.txt, RECFM=V,LRECL=32767,File Size (bytes)=3168, Last Modified=20 August 2024 09:56:55, Create Time=20 August 2024 09:47:47 NOTE: 280 records were read from the infile "G:\sas\deaths_short.txt". The minimum record length was 1. The maximum record length was 28. NOTE: The data set WORK.DISEASES has 70 observations and 17 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.28 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 37 38 data format; 39 set diseases end=eof; 2 The SAS System 08:21 Friday, August 16, 2024 40 fmtname='ICDGROUP'; 41 array lower l1-l7; 42 array upper u1-u7; 43 label=disease; 44 hlo=' '; 45 do count=1 to count; 46 start=lower[count]; 47 end=upper[count]; 48 output; 49 end; 50 if eof then do; 51 call missing(start,end); 52 label='UNKNOWN'; 53 hlo='O'; 54 output; 55 end; 56 run; NOTE: There were 70 observations read from the data set WORK.DISEASES. NOTE: The data set WORK.FORMAT has 141 observations and 22 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 57 58 proc format cntlin=format; ERROR: For format ICDGROUP, this range is repeated, or values overlap: 2025-2030. 59 run; WARNING: RUN statement ignored due to previous errors. Submit QUIT; to terminate the procedure. NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: There were 141 observations read from the data set WORK.FORMAT. 60 61 62 63 GOPTIONS NOACCESSIBLE; 64 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL=; 65 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME=; 66 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=; 67 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=; 68 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=; 69 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=; 70 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=; 71 72 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 73 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 74 75 76 QUIT; RUN; 77