269 *))%*))*/; 270 ;;;; 271 %mend; ERROR: No matching %MACRO statement for this %MEND statement. 272 options notes; 273 run cancel; quit; 274 proc unk; run; ERROR: Procedure UNK not found. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE UNK used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 275 276 277 libname betra "C:\Users\SAS\Desktop\OPORTO\BETRA_tables"; NOTE: Libref BETRA was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V9 Physical Name: C:\Users\SAS\Desktop\OPORTO\BETRA_tables 278 ods listing close; 279 proc sql; 280 Create table Tel1 as select Codebaliza, Telegram, compress(Telegram) as CT 281 from betra.b21; NOTE: Table WORK.TEL1 created, with 125 rows and 3 columns. 282 quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 283 284 %MACRO DO_BINAR; 285 %DO I = 1 %TO 45; 286 Data test; 287 set tel1; 288 N&I=substr(CT,&I,1) ; 289 run; 290 %END; 291 %MEND DO_BINAR;