*------------------------------------------------------------* EM Version: 14.1 * MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): call symput('NLDATE', strip(put(date(), NLDATE.))); MPRINT(EM5RUN): call symput('NLTIME', strip(put(datetime(), NLTIME.))); MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): nldate= sasmsg("sashelp.dmine", "log_date_note", 'N', "May 29, 2017" ); MPRINT(EM5RUN): nltime= sasmsg("sashelp.dmine", "log_time_note", 'N', "13:17:08" ); MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "* Training Log"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put nldate; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put nltime; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; *------------------------------------------------------------* * Training Log Date: May 29, 2017 Time: 13:17:08 *------------------------------------------------------------* MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename O3SHSFRA "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMTRAIN.out" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc printto print=O3SHSFRA new; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOG "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMLOG.log" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): call symput('NLDATE', strip(put(date(), NLDATE.))); MPRINT(EM5RUN): call symput('NLTIME', strip(put(datetime(), NLTIME.))); MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): nldate= sasmsg("sashelp.dmine", "log_date_note", 'N', "May 29, 2017" ); MPRINT(EM5RUN): nltime= sasmsg("sashelp.dmine", "log_time_note", 'N', "13:17:08" ); MPRINT(EM5RUN): file _LOG; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "User: user1"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put nldate; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put nltime; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "Platform: Linux"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "EM Version: 14.1"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "* "; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOGIN "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMTRAIN.log" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): data _null_; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): length line $20000; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): file _LOG MOD lrecl=20000; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): fid=fopen("_LOGIN",'i',20000,'v'); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): if fid > 0 then do; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): do while(^fread(fid)); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): rlen = frlen(fid); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): rc= fget(fid,line,20000); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): start = length(line)-length(left(line))+1; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): line=strip(line); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): put @start line; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): end; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): if fid > 0 then rc=fclose(fid); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): end; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOGIN; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): file _LOG mod; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put _page_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOGIN "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMSCORE.log" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): file _LOG mod; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put _page_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOGIN "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMREPORT.log" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOGIN; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _LOG; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUT "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMOUTPUT.out" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): call symput('NLDATE', strip(put(date(), NLDATE.))); MPRINT(EM5RUN): call symput('NLTIME', strip(put(datetime(), NLTIME.))); MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): nldate= sasmsg("sashelp.dmine", "log_date_note", 'N', "May 29, 2017" ); MPRINT(EM5RUN): nltime= sasmsg("sashelp.dmine", "log_time_note", 'N', "13:17:08" ); MPRINT(EM5RUN): file _OUT; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put nldate; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put nltime; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "* Training Output"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUTIN "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMTRAIN.out" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): data _null_; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): length line $20000; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): file _OUT MOD lrecl=20000; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): fid=fopen("_OUTIN",'i',20000,'v'); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): if fid > 0 then do; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): do while(^fread(fid)); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): rlen = frlen(fid); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): rc= fget(fid,line,20000); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): start = length(line)-length(left(line))+1; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): line=strip(line); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): put @start line; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): end; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): if fid > 0 then rc=fclose(fid); MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): end; MPRINT(EM_COPYFILE): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUTIN; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): file _OUT mod; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put _page_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put // "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "* Score Output"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUTIN "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMSCORE.out" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUTIN; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data _null_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): file _OUT mod; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put _page_; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put // "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "* Report Output"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): put "*------------------------------------------------------------*"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUTIN "/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMREPORT.out" encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUTIN; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _OUT; MPRINT(EM5RUN): filename _emtool_ '/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/Assoc/EMRUNSTATUS.xml' encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; 10888 proc freq data=EMWS1.Assoc_VariableSet noprint; MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc freq data=EMWS1.Assoc_VariableSet noprint; 10889 table ROLE*LEVEL/out=WORK.AssocMETA; MPRINT(EM5RUN): table ROLE*LEVEL/out=WORK.AssocMETA; 10890 run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set EMWS1.ASSOC_VARIABLESET. NOTE: The data set WORK.ASSOCMETA has 3 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE FREQ used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 20213.17k OS Memory 28968.00k Timestamp 05/29/2017 01:17:08 PM Step Count 1 Switch Count 0 Page Faults 2 Page Reclaims 337 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 2 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 272 Block Output Operations 680 10891 proc print data=WORK.AssocMETA label noobs; MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc print data=WORK.AssocMETA label noobs; 10892 var ROLE LEVEL COUNT; MPRINT(EM5RUN): var ROLE LEVEL COUNT; 10893 label ROLE = "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, meta_role_vlabel, NOQUOTE))" LEVEL = "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, meta_level_vlabel, NOQUOTE))" COUNT = "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, rpt_count_vlabel, NOQUOTE))"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): label ROLE = "Role" LEVEL = "Measurement Level" COUNT = "Frequency Count"; 10894 title9 ' '; MPRINT(EM5RUN): title9 ' '; 10895 title10 "%sysfunc(sasmsg(sashelp.dmine, rpt_varSummary_title , NOQUOTE))"; MPRINT(EM5RUN): title10 "Variable Summary"; 10896 run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.ASSOCMETA. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 1. NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 20213.17k OS Memory 28968.00k Timestamp 05/29/2017 01:17:08 PM Step Count 1 Switch Count 0 Page Faults 4 Page Reclaims 216 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 4 Involuntary Context Switches 11 Block Input Operations 328 Block Output Operations 0 10897 title10; MPRINT(EM5RUN): title10; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------*; MPRINT(EM5RUN): * Assoc: Preparing metadata for Training; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------*; MPRINT(EM5RUN): data WORK.M2SUR_H4; MPRINT(EM5RUN): set WORK.M2SUR_H4; MPRINT(EM5RUN): where USE = 'Y'; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; 10905 *------------------------------------------------------------*; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------*; 10906 * Assoc: Sorting Training Data; MPRINT(EM5RUN): * Assoc: Sorting Training Data; 10907 *------------------------------------------------------------*; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------*; 10908 proc sort data=EMWS1.Ids_DATA(keep=EVENT_DT DESC_VAR_TITLE USER_ID) out=WORK.SORTEDTRAIN; MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc sort data=EMWS1.Ids_DATA(keep=EVENT_DT DESC_VAR_TITLE USER_ID) out=WORK.SORTEDTRAIN; 10909 by USER_ID EVENT_DT; MPRINT(EM5RUN): by USER_ID EVENT_DT; 10910 run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; NOTE: There were 1886055 observations read from the data set EMWS1.IDS_DATA. NOTE: View EMWS1.IDS_DATA.VIEW used (Total process time): real time 32.04 seconds user cpu time 1.57 seconds system cpu time 6.61 seconds memory 631017.93k OS Memory 641852.00k Timestamp 05/29/2017 01:17:44 PM Step Count 1 Switch Count 32 Page Faults 2 Page Reclaims 146509 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 9524 Involuntary Context Switches 4549 Block Input Operations 3429432 Block Output Operations 4888 NOTE: There were 1886055 observations read from the data set LOCALS.Test1_DATA_20151029. NOTE: The data set WORK.SORTEDTRAIN has 1886055 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 32.83 seconds user cpu time 2.04 seconds system cpu time 7.19 seconds memory 631017.93k OS Memory 641852.00k Timestamp 05/29/2017 01:17:44 PM Step Count 1 Switch Count 33 Page Faults 5 Page Reclaims 146597 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 9816 Involuntary Context Switches 5147 Block Input Operations 3429608 Block Output Operations 801696 10911 *------------------------------------------------------------* ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------* ; 10912 * EM: DMDBClass Macro ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): * EM: DMDBClass Macro ; 10913 *------------------------------------------------------------* ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------* ; 10914 %macro DMDBClass; 10915 DESC_VAR_TITLE(DESC) 10916 %mend DMDBClass; 10917 *------------------------------------------------------------* ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------* ; 10918 * EM: DMDBVar Macro ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): * EM: DMDBVar Macro ; 10919 *------------------------------------------------------------* ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------* ; 10920 %macro DMDBVar; 10921 EVENT_DT 10922 %mend DMDBVar; 10923 *------------------------------------------------------------*; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------*; 10924 * EM: Create DMDB; MPRINT(EM5RUN): * EM: Create DMDB; 10925 *------------------------------------------------------------*; MPRINT(EM5RUN): *------------------------------------------------------------*; 10926 proc dmdb batch data=WORK.SORTEDTRAIN 10927 dmdbcat=WORK.EM_DMDB 10928 maxlevel = 100001 10929 normlen= 256 10930 out=WORK.EM_DMDB 10931 ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc dmdb batch data=WORK.SORTEDTRAIN dmdbcat=WORK.EM_DMDB maxlevel = 100001 normlen= 256 out=WORK.EM_DMDB ; 10932 id 10933 USER_ID 10934 ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): id USER_ID ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): class 10935 class %DMDBClass; MPRINT(DMDBCLASS): DESC_VAR_TITLE(DESC) MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): var 10936 var %DMDBVar; MPRINT(DMDBVAR): EVENT_DT MPRINT(EM5RUN): ; 10937 target 10938 DESC_VAR_TITLE 10939 ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): target DESC_VAR_TITLE ; 10940 run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; NOTE: Records processed = 100000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 200000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 300000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 400000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 500000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 600000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 700000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 800000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 900000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1000000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1100000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1200000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1300000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1400000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1500000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1600000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1700000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1800000 Memory used = 511K. NOTE: Records processed = 1886055 Memory used = 511K. Note: Large memory request: 2335800 Note: Large memory request: 2335800 Note: Large memory request: 2335800 NOTE: There were 1886055 observations read from the data set WORK.SORTEDTRAIN. NOTE: The data set WORK.EM_DMDB has 1886055 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE DMDB used (Total process time): real time 2.09 seconds user cpu time 1.67 seconds system cpu time 0.41 seconds memory 631017.93k OS Memory 641852.00k Timestamp 05/29/2017 01:17:47 PM Step Count 1 Switch Count 0 Page Faults 1 Page Reclaims 3464 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 3 Involuntary Context Switches 47 Block Input Operations 128 Block Output Operations 103312 MPRINT(EM5RUN): quit; 10941 quit; number_of_elements=1 number_of_elements=1 10942 options nocleanup; MPRINT(EM5RUN): options nocleanup; 10943 proc assoc dmdb dmdbcat=WORK.EM_DMDB out=EMWS1.Assoc_ASSOC data=WORK.EM_DMDB 10944 support = 10 10945 items=4 10946 ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc assoc dmdb dmdbcat=WORK.EM_DMDB out=EMWS1.Assoc_ASSOC data=WORK.EM_DMDB support = 10 items=4 ; 10947 customer 10948 USER_ID 10949 ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): customer USER_ID ; 10950 target 10951 DESC_VAR_TITLE 10952 ; MPRINT(EM5RUN): target DESC_VAR_TITLE ; 10953 run; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run; Note: Large memory request: 2335800 Note: Large memory request: 2335800 Note: Large memory request: 2335800 ----- Potential 1 item sets = 11679 ----- Counting items, records read: 100000 Counting items, records read: 200000 Counting items, records read: 300000 Counting items, records read: 400000 Counting items, records read: 500000 Counting items, records read: 600000 Counting items, records read: 700000 Counting items, records read: 800000 Counting items, records read: 900000 Counting items, records read: 1000000 Counting items, records read: 1100000 Counting items, records read: 1200000 Counting items, records read: 1300000 Counting items, records read: 1400000 Counting items, records read: 1500000 Counting items, records read: 1600000 Counting items, records read: 1700000 Counting items, records read: 1800000 Counting items, records read: 1886055 Number of customers: 100412 Support level for item sets: 10 Maximum count for a set: 9616 Sets meeting support level: 8679 Megs of memory used: 8.54 ----- Potential 2 item sets = 37658181 ----- Counting items, records read: 100000 Counting items, records read: 200000 Counting items, records read: 300000 Counting items, records read: 400000 Counting items, records read: 500000 Counting items, records read: 600000 Counting items, records read: 700000 Counting items, records read: 800000 Counting items, records read: 900000 Counting items, records read: 1000000 Counting items, records read: 1100000 Counting items, records read: 1200000 Counting items, records read: 1300000 Counting items, records read: 1400000 Counting items, records read: 1500000 Counting items, records read: 1600000 Counting items, records read: 1700000 Counting items, records read: 1800000 Counting items, records read: 1886055 Maximum count for a set: 2090 Sets meeting support level: 1188129 Megs of memory used: 2419.01 ----- Potential 3 item sets = 211065492 ----- Counting items, records read: 100000 Counting items, records read: 200000 Counting items, records read: 300000 Counting items, records read: 400000 Counting items, records read: 500000 Counting items, records read: 600000 Counting items, records read: 700000 Counting items, records read: 800000 Counting items, records read: 900000 Counting items, records read: 1000000 Counting items, records read: 1100000 Counting items, records read: 1200000 Counting items, records read: 1300000 Counting items, records read: 1400000 Counting items, records read: 1500000 Counting items, records read: 1600000 Counting items, records read: 1700000 Counting items, records read: 1800000 Counting items, records read: 1886055 Maximum count for a set: 806 Sets meeting support level: 20309540 Megs of memory used: 15928.48 Error: Out of memory. Memory used=17008.8 meg. Item Set 4 is null. ERROR: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of insufficient memory. WARNING: The data set EMWS1.ASSOC_ASSOC may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 21506349 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE ASSOC used (Total process time): real time 1:16:16.36 user cpu time 1:06:17.47 system cpu time 1:55.39 memory 16761575.51k OS Memory 16776752.00k Timestamp 05/29/2017 02:34:03 PM Step Count 1 Switch Count 3 Page Faults 4 Page Reclaims 4185838 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 2080 Involuntary Context Switches 1520260 Block Input Operations 72184 Block Output Operations 34410384 MPRINT(EM5RUN): quit; 10954 quit; 10955 10956 *------------------------------------------------------------* * * ERROR: Run time error was encountered. The system error returned was 1016. * Please report unresolved problems to Technical Support. * *------------------------------------------------------------* MPRINT(EM5RUN): proc printto; MPRINT(EM5RUN): run;