NOTE: SAS Initialization used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.02 seconds NOTE: The autoexec file, /opt/sas94/config/Lev1/SASApp/WorkspaceServer/, was executed at server initialization. 1 filename _emenv catalog 'sashelp.emwip.em_loadmacros.source'; 2 %inc _emenv; NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _FDSEP has been deassigned. NOTE: Fileref _TEMP has been deassigned. 1088 filename _emenv; NOTE: Fileref _EMENV has been deassigned. 1089 %let WIP_PROJPATH=%nrstr(/opt/sasdata/User_Folder); 1090 %let WIP_PROJNAME=%nrstr(Test1); 1091 proc display c=sashelp.emwip.em_init.scl; run; 7058 %let SYSCC=0; 7059 *------------------------------------------------------------*; 7060 * Submitting STARTUP code; 7061 *------------------------------------------------------------*; 7062 libname locals '/opt/sasdata/DataSources/Data1'; NOTE: Libref LOCALS was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V9 Physical Name: /opt/sasdata/DataSources/Data1 7063 options fullstimer; 7079 options VBUFSIZE= 64M; NOTE: PROCEDURE DISPLAY used (Total process time): real time 2.07 seconds cpu time 0.24 seconds 7080 %let SYSCC=0; 7081 %let SYSRC=0; 7082 %let EMEXCEPTIONSTRING=; 7083 %let SYSMSG=; 7084 %em_diagram(action=open, projpath=%nrstr(/opt/sasdata/User_Folder), projname=%nrstr(Test1), dgmId=EMWS1, userId=user1, sessionid=3143d96e-0e37-4232-a092-8ceb9e948db5, outfile=DiagramOpenResponse.xml); NOTE: Fileref _DGMFRF has been deassigned. WIP_ACTION: DGMID: EMWS1 LOCKFILE: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/System/wsopen.lck NOTE: Libref EMWS1 was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V9 Physical Name: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1 7096 %let _EM_TREECONVERSION=0; 7097 data _null_; 7098 set EMWS1.EM_NODEID end=eof; 7099 where upcase(Component) ='DECISIONTREE' and CLASS = 'SASHELP.EMMODL.DECISIONTREE.CLASS'; 7100 if eof then call symput('_EM_TREECONVERSION', '1'); 7101 run; NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set EMWS1.EM_NODEID. WHERE (UPCASE(Component)='DECISIONTREE') and (CLASS='SASHELP.EMMODL.DECISIONTREE.CLASS'); NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 1256.31k OS Memory 17068.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:43 AM Step Count 2 Switch Count 30 Page Faults 1 Page Reclaims 783 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 65 Involuntary Context Switches 1 Block Input Operations 104 Block Output Operations 0 treeconversion=0 7102 %let syscc=0; 7103 filename _wipchk catalog "EMWS1.Assoc.test.source"; 7104 data _null_; 7105 file _wipchk; 7106 put '/* Test */'; 7107 run; NOTE: The file _WIPCHK is: Catalog Name=EMWS1.ASSOC.TEST.SOURCE, Catalog Page Size=4096, Number of Catalog Pages=10, Created=Thu, Oct 29, 2015 01:47:58 PM, Last Modified=Tue, May 23, 2017 04:08:28 PM, Filename=/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/assoc.sas7bcat, Release Created=9.0401M2,Host Created=Linux, Inode Number=4849900, Access Permission=rw-rw-r--,Owner Name=user2, File Size= 48KB, File Size (bytes)=49152 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file _WIPCHK. The minimum record length was 10. The maximum record length was 10. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 763.90k OS Memory 17324.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:43 AM Step Count 3 Switch Count 56 Page Faults 1 Page Reclaims 311 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 172 Involuntary Context Switches 5 Block Input Operations 160 Block Output Operations 40 7108 data _null_; 7109 rc = fdelete('_wipchk'); 7110 run; NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 770.18k OS Memory 17324.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:43 AM Step Count 4 Switch Count 22 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 233 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 32 Involuntary Context Switches 41 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 8 7111 filename _wipchk; NOTE: Fileref _WIPCHK has been deassigned. 7112 filename _wipxml '/opt/saswork/SAS_work505B0000DAE6_servername/SAS_work218C0000DAE6_servername/DiagramOpenResponse.xml' encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; WARNING: End of file. WARNING: End of file. 7113 %let SYSCC=0; 7114 %let SYSRC=0; 7115 %let EMEXCEPTIONSTRING=; 7116 %let SYSMSG=; 7117 %em_diagram(action=SETORIENTATION, projpath=%nrstr(/opt/sasdata/User_Folder), projname=%nrstr(Test1), dgmId=EMWS1, sessionid=3143d96e-0e37-4232-a092-8ceb9e948db5, orientation=HORIZONTAL); NOTE: Fileref _DGMFRF has been deassigned. WIP_ACTION: OPEN DGMID: EMWS1 LOCKFILE: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/System/wsopen.lck WARNING: End of file. WARNING: End of file. 7129 %let SYSCC=0; 7130 %let SYSRC=0; 7131 %let EMEXCEPTIONSTRING=; 7132 %let SYSMSG=; 7133 %em_diagram(action=setproperties, projpath=%nrstr(/opt/sasdata/User_Folder), projname=%nrstr(Test1), dgmId=EMWS1, requestFile=DiagramSetPropertiesRequest.xml); NOTE: Fileref _DGMFRF has been deassigned. WIP_ACTION: SETORIENTATION DGMID: EMWS1 LOCKFILE: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/System/wsopen.lck 7145 %global EM_REFRESH_PROPERTY; 7146 %let EM_REFRESH_PROPERTY=N; 7147 %let syscc=0; 7148 data WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES; 7149 length NODEID CLASS COMPONENT $32 X Y 8 LABEL $81; 7150 NODEID = "Assoc"; 7151 CLASS=''; 7152 component=''; 7153 X = 452; 7154 Y= 114; 7155 LABEL = "Association"; 7156 output; 7157 NODEID = "CNTRL"; 7158 CLASS=''; 7159 component=''; 7160 X = 696; 7161 Y= 173; 7162 LABEL = "Control Point"; 7163 output; 7164 NODEID = "EMCODE"; 7165 CLASS=''; 7166 component=''; 7167 X = 257; 7168 Y= 341; 7169 LABEL = "SAS Code"; 7170 output; 7171 NODEID = "EMCODE2"; 7172 CLASS=''; 7173 component=''; 7174 X = 304; 7175 Y= 56; 7176 LABEL = "SAS Code (2)"; 7177 output; 7178 NODEID = "Ids"; 7179 CLASS=''; 7180 component=''; 7181 X = 176; 7182 Y= 166; 7183 LABEL = "Test1_DATA_20151029"; 7184 output; 7185 NODEID = "MRKBSKT"; 7186 CLASS=''; 7187 component=''; 7188 X = 451; 7189 Y= 220; 7190 LABEL = "Market Basket"; 7191 output; 7192 run; NOTE: The data set WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES has 6 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 785.28k OS Memory 20916.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:57 AM Step Count 5 Switch Count 109 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 322 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 380 Involuntary Context Switches 382 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 136 7193 proc sort data=WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES; 7194 by NODEID; 7195 run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES. NOTE: The data set WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES has 6 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 537.71k OS Memory 20916.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:57 AM Step Count 6 Switch Count 27 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 42 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 52 Involuntary Context Switches 27 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 144 7196 proc sort data=EMWS1.em_nodeid out=_tempNodeid; 7197 by NODEID; 7198 run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set EMWS1.EM_NODEID. NOTE: The data set WORK._TEMPNODEID has 6 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 801.75k OS Memory 21176.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:57 AM Step Count 7 Switch Count 27 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 11 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 52 Involuntary Context Switches 55 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 144 7199 data _tempNodeid; 7200 update _tempNodeid(in=_a) WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES(in=_b); 7201 by NODEID; 7202 if _a then output; 7203 run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK._TEMPNODEID. NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES. NOTE: The data set WORK._TEMPNODEID has 6 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 1082.93k OS Memory 21172.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:57 AM Step Count 8 Switch Count 33 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 254 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 76 Involuntary Context Switches 76 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 144 7204 data EMWS1.em_nodeid; 7205 set _tempNodeid; 7206 run; NOTE: There were 6 observations read from the data set WORK._TEMPNODEID. NOTE: The data set EMWS1.EM_NODEID has 6 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 917.75k OS Memory 21172.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:57 AM Step Count 9 Switch Count 27 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 214 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 55 Involuntary Context Switches 19 Block Input Operations 8 Block Output Operations 144 7207 proc datasets lib=WORK nolist; 7208 delete _tempNodeid _EMVISUALPROPERTIES; 7209 run; NOTE: Deleting WORK._TEMPNODEID (memtype=DATA). NOTE: Deleting WORK._EMVISUALPROPERTIES (memtype=DATA). 7210 quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 259.46k OS Memory 21172.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 10:33:57 AM Step Count 10 Switch Count 32 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 85 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 74 Involuntary Context Switches 4 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 8 6 The SAS System 10:33 Wednesday, May 24, 201 7 WARNING: Physical file does not exist, /opt/saswork/SAS_work505B0000DAE6_servername/SAS_work218C0000DAE6_servername/DiagramOpenSessionResponse.xml. 7211 %let SYSCC=0; 7212 %let SYSRC=0; 7213 %let EMEXCEPTIONSTRING=; 7214 %let SYSMSG=; 7215 %em_diagram(action=closesession, projpath=%nrstr(/opt/sasdata/User_Folder), projname=%nrstr(Test1), dgmId=EMWS1); NOTE: Fileref _DGMFRF has been deassigned. WIP_ACTION: SETPROPERTIES DGMID: EMWS1 LOCKFILE: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/System/wsopen.lck NOTE: Libref EMWS1 has been deassigned. 7 The SAS System 10:33 Wednesday, May 24, 201 7 7227 %let SYSCC=0; 7228 %let SYSRC=0; 7229 %let EMEXCEPTIONSTRING=; 7230 %let SYSMSG=; 7231 %em_diagram(action=opensession, projpath=%nrstr(/opt/sasdata/User_Folder), projname=%nrstr(Test1), dgmId=EMWS1, sessionid=3143d96e-0e37-4232-a092-8ceb9e948db5, outfile=DiagramOpenSessionResponse.xml); NOTE: Fileref _DGMFRF has been deassigned. WIP_ACTION: CLOSESESSION DGMID: EMWS1 LOCKFILE: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/System/wsopen.lck NOTE: Libref EMWS1 was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V9 Physical Name: /opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1 NOTE: There were 7 observations read from the data set EMWS1.EM_DGRAPH. NOTE: The data set WORK.EM_DGRAPH has 7 observations and 2 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.26 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 916.48k OS Memory 21164.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 11:47:52 AM Step Count 11 Switch Count 21 Page Faults 58 Page Reclaims 366 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 92 Involuntary Context Switches 5 Block Input Operations 3560 Block Output Operations 136 7243 %let _EM_TREECONVERSION=0; 7244 data _null_; 7245 set EMWS1.EM_NODEID end=eof; 7246 where upcase(Component) ='DECISIONTREE' and CLASS = 'SASHELP.EMMODL.DECISIONTREE.CLASS'; 7247 if eof then call symput('_EM_TREECONVERSION', '1'); 7248 run; NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set EMWS1.EM_NODEID. WHERE (UPCASE(Component)='DECISIONTREE') and (CLASS='SASHELP.EMMODL.DECISIONTREE.CLASS'); NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 960.67k OS Memory 21940.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 11:47:52 AM Step Count 12 Switch Count 30 Page Faults 8 Page Reclaims 334 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 74 Involuntary Context Switches 1 Block Input Operations 472 Block Output Operations 0 treeconversion=0 7249 %let syscc=0; 7250 filename _wipchk catalog "EMWS1.Assoc.test.source"; 7251 data _null_; 7252 file _wipchk; 7253 put '/* Test */'; 7254 run; NOTE: The file _WIPCHK is: Catalog Name=EMWS1.ASSOC.TEST.SOURCE, Catalog Page Size=4096, Number of Catalog Pages=10, Created=Thu, Oct 29, 2015 01:47:58 PM, Last Modified=Wed, May 24, 2017 11:47:41 AM, Filename=/opt/sasdata/User_Folder/Test1/Workspaces/EMWS1/assoc.sas7bcat, Release Created=9.0401M2,Host Created=Linux, Inode Number=4849900, Access Permission=rw-rw-r--,Owner Name=user2, File Size= 44KB, File Size (bytes)=45056 NOTE: 1 record was written to the file _WIPCHK. The minimum record length was 10. The maximum record length was 10. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 767.67k OS Memory 22196.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 11:47:53 AM Step Count 13 Switch Count 56 Page Faults 5 Page Reclaims 291 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 176 Involuntary Context Switches 4 Block Input Operations 504 Block Output Operations 16 7255 data _null_; 7256 rc = fdelete('_wipchk'); 7257 run; NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 763.64k OS Memory 22196.00k Timestamp 05/24/2017 11:47:53 AM Step Count 14 Switch Count 22 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 217 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 34 Involuntary Context Switches 4 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 0 7258 filename _wipchk; NOTE: Fileref _WIPCHK has been deassigned. 7259 filename _wipxml '/opt/saswork/SAS_work505B0000DAE6_servername/SAS_work218C0000DAE6_servername/DiagramOpenSessionResponse.xml' encoding="UTF-8" NOBOM; 8 The SAS System 10:33 Wednesday, May 24, 201 7 WARNING: End of file. WARNING: End of file.