PROC IMPORT DATAFILE='/home/u48910431/my_shared_file_links/abigail.crocker/schools_sat.xlsx' DBMS=XLSX REPLACE OUT=WORK.schools; GETNAMES=YES; RUN; %macro describe; PROC MEANS data=schools; VAR sat3; RUN; PROC SGPLOT data=schools; HISTOGRAM sat1; RUN; PROC SGPLOT data=schools; SCATTER x=sat1 y=sat2; REG x=sat1 y=sat2; RUN; %mend; Data schools1; set schools; satavg = (sat1+sat2+sat3)/3; RUN; Using the “schools1” data, create a new dataset called "schools2" which includes average and median sat scores for sat1, sat2, sat3, and overall satavg with school as the level of analysis. If you do this correctly, there should be 30 observations and 11 variables (including 8 different SAT variables) in your resulting dataset (use PROC MEANS to do this).