Hello, I've migrated a job from SAS9.1.3 to SAS 9.3, and without any code changes the output has changed. This job creates a html report and sends it by email, but in SAS 9.3 the report has a box/frame around it as you can see in the pic CTQ - SAS 9.3 But I need to get the output equal to the "old" version:CTQ - SAS 9.1 Any help is welcome, thank you. Code: ods listing close; /*set ods and mail settings options*/ ods path sasuser templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read); Options emailsys="!SASROOT/utilities/bin/sasm.elm.mime" ; filename ctqmail email to="&umail" type="text/html" subject="[CONTROLO DE QUALIDADE] Processamento de &odate para &LNAPP"; /*output result of the proc tabulate to the mail filename*/ ods MSOffice2K body=ctqmail style=meadow; proc tabulate data=TEMPORARIA2 FORMAT=COMMAX20.0; class GRUPO CONTROLO VALIDACAO CDTIPOVALIDACAO DATA_ANALISE DATA_ANT GRP_DATA CDGRPENT / style=[color=#0033AA]; classlev GRUPO CONTROLO VALIDACAO CDTIPOVALIDACAO DATA_ANALISE DATA_ANT GRP_DATA CDGRPENT / style=[color=#0033AA]; VAR VALMETRICA VALMETRIC_ANT DIF_MES / style=[color=#0033AA]; table (GRUPO * (CONTROLO * VALIDACAO * CDTIPOVALIDACAO * CDGRPENT all='Sub-Total'*{S=[background=#EAEDF1 font_weight=bold font_style=italic]}) all='Total'*{S=[background=#EAEDF1 font_weight=bold font_style=italic]}), GRP_DATA='Data(s) Analisada(s)' * (DATA_ANT=''*(VALMETRIC_ANT*SUM='') DATA_ANALISE=''*(VALMETRICA*Sum='') DIF_MES*SUM=''*{S=[preimage=watchit. font_weight=bold font_style=italic]}); %setTitle(odate=&odate); FOOTNOTE3 height=10pt "Entidade(s) executada(s): &concatident_new"; run; ods MSOffice2K close; ods listing; filename ctqmail;
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