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The box that is opened when we view properties should be large enough so that core properties -- e.g. the dataset name -- can be viewed in their entirety.  I just opened up the properties for a dataset that has a 5-character LIBNAME and 32 character dataset name.  The dataset name was truncated.  The Properties window cannot hold long dataset names.  That window should -- at a bare minimum -- be able to display a dataset name with an 8-character LIBNAME and 32-character dataset name.  Ideally, the window should also be able to fully display dataset names that are longer than this because we all know that the character limits on LIBNAMEs and dataset names has to be increased in the future.


Similarly, the window that that pops up when I want to open files should BY DEFAULT reopen at the maximum width I last had to set it to in order to view my projects.  Every morning I go through the same routine of having to manually expand the column that displays pathnames/project names because the default width is ridiculously slow -- as if nobody at SAS knows that most of us no longer use EG in a desktop environment anymore but rather on a networked system.  With all the talk about AI it seems that it should be relatively easy to program EG so that those of us on systems with long pathnames to our projects don't have to manually expand the filename column each and every time we open an instance of EG.  This may be a minor nuisance but it is one that we encounter virtually every time we open EG.

SAS Employee

Hi bbenbaruch 


Using EG 7.15, a 32 byte table name displays fully by default in the Process Flow and in Data Properties:







Quartz | Level 8

My comment had two parts.  First, I should not have to increase the column width each and every time I open a file because the default width of the "open file" window is narrower than what is required in my environment.  The software should be "smart" enough to recognize that it is truncating pathnames and filenames.


Secondly, regarding the Properties window, you are correct.  The top box will hold a 32-character filename.  However, the bottom box with the LIBNAME/filename does NOT hold 41 characters (8 for the LIBNAME, 1 period, and 32 for the filename).  That is a design flaw. 

SAS Employee

Using current EG 7.15 the default width of the name field in the open file and open data windows is wide enough for a 32 character table name.

If you have further concerns include screen shots of the problem and of your version of EG using Help > About SAS EG.






Quartz | Level 8
You missed the whole point of my suggestion. The window may “hold” the entire file name BUT it does not display the full name.

Moreover, there is the issue of being able to handle names that are longer than 32 characters. The 32 character limit lasted a very long time but it needs to be changed.
