I am running an interaction but need to reorder the x axis variables from how it is displayed below to PRISm, GOLD 0 - GOLD 4. Additionally, I need to change the legend diabetes_P1 to 'diabetes at baseline' and the Title to 'Change in FEV1pp'.
Proc GLM data=working4 (rename=(change_fev1pp = Change));
class finalgold_P1 (ref='GOLD 0') diabetes_p1 (ref="No");
model Change = finalgold_P1 diabetes_p1 finalgold_p1*diabetes_p1;
lsmeans diabetes_p1 finalgold_P1/ pdiff;
format finalgold_p1 Baseline_GOLD_Stage. diabetes_p1 diabetes_baseline. diabetes_P3 diabetes_final.;
label Change ='Change in FEV1pp';
I've tried:
1. Using rename for diabetes_P1. This does not work, I think due to the formatting of diabetes_P1 to diabetes_baseline.
2. I tried adding Title = 'Change in FEV1pp Over 10 Years' into the code. There are no errors, but it doesn't change the title.
Someone suggested I use ODS but I am unfamiliar with using that code. Is there an easy way to incorporate what I need into this code?