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Obsidian | Level 7

How to add (500) multiple user-id's to SAS Metadata server .

please provide me sample sas code.



If multiple sas users on notepad list ,how to add into metadata SAS server.

For this need sas code ,please help me support on this issue .


Libname testar /var/userdata/testusers.txt ;











Obsidian | Level 7

How to add (500) multiple user-id's to SAS Metadata server .

please provide me sample sas code.



If multiple sas users on notepad list ,how to add into metadata SAS server.

For this need sas code ,please help me support on this issue .


Libname testar /var/userdata/testusers.txt ;











Opal | Level 21

SAS provides a collection of macros for synchronisation of AD/LDAP with SAS Metadata. These macros should give you a good starting point to come-up with code that uses a .txt file as source.


Documentation here.


And my way to find the physical location of these macros quickly:

options mautolocdisplay obs=0;

Calling above macro without parameters will throw an error - but it prints to the SAS log where the macro resides on disk.


Make sure you backup SAS Metadata before you execute anything that actually modifies metadata.


Not sure where you're at with SAS expertise but please note that implementing scripts to modify SAS Metadata is not a beginners task and that you can severely corrupt metadata and bring a SAS environment down if you get it wrong.


Please ask the same question only in one forum only. May I suggest you delete the duplicate here.

Obsidian | Level 7
Thank you for solution ..Patrick.
but i dont know how to use this macro ,can you provide me code for this example .
Opal | Level 21

@a_SAS wrote:
Thank you for solution ..Patrick.
but i dont know how to use this macro ,can you provide me code for this example .

I've already provided you the link to the documentation and I've also shown you how you can easily figure out the physical path to the macro code. 


I'm asking myself though what good it will do to you to just add 500+ metadata users without any group assignment and external users. 

Where do you get this list from? If it's an extract from AD/LDAP then consider to sync directly from there (and how that's done is documented under the link I've shared).

If you want to use a text file as input then I guess you just need to investigate the existing macros and figure out how to prepare a source data set which you then can pass into one of the existing macros (ideally without having to change the macro code itself).

Obsidian | Level 7
Hi Patrick

If our sas users user-id is source location for this path /home

How will import user-id’s to SAS metadata server . I am trying to use similar this code “” and have some doubts ,is it support this code update in SAS Metadata .
Please can you verify attached code some of parameters updated based on user-id source location path.

Please suggest me any thing need to update on code.

I used sample code from below path


/home location users user-id source location path

[sasadmin@adisas003 home]$ pwd


drwx------ 2 kumar kumar 4096 Mar 12 04:31 kumar
drwxr-xr-x 38 david david 24576 Mar 12 05:00 david
drwxr-xr-x 21 john john 12288 Mar 12 06:13 john
Opal | Level 21


To support you here in this forum to get from the SAS provided template code to your site and case specific code is too big of a task - at least for me.


To understand the template code and amend it to what you need, requires solid SAS developer skills. Based on your questions so far I assume you're a SAS Admin but were never a SAS developer. If so then I'd strongly recommend that you get onsite help for customizing the template code.


Obsidian | Level 7
Thank you ..Patrick
i resolved the issue ..
SAS Employee

I recently had a case for a customer who had exactly this situation.  I'm a bit surprised that someone hasn't surfaced code for this sooner.   Better late than never, a macro for this has been added at technical-support-code/usage/administration/sas-metadata-server/ at main...


   Person_Name=sasdemo              /* REQUIRED: metadata name for Person object                       */
  ,Authdomain=OracleAuth            /* REQUIRED: metadata name for the Authdomain for the Login object */
  ,Login_userid=scott               /* OPTIONAL: userid attribute for the Login object                 */
  ,Login_password=tiger             /* OPTIONAL: password attribute for the Login object               */
  ,Login_Name=sasdemo Oracle login  /* OPTIONAL: metadata name for the Login object                    */


Carl Sommer - SAS Technical Support

Super User

@a_SAS wrote:
Thank you for solution ..Patrick.
but i dont know how to use this macro ,can you provide me code for this example .

Look where your SAS is installed. In


you find a program called This program syncs the UNIX passwd and group files with SAS metadata. You can use it as a blueprint for your own process; you need to provide a base that contains names, unique ID's, host user names (used when logging on), and group membership.

The code is pretty much self-explaining, it uses comments liberally to explain what it does. OTOH, it also shows the relative complexity of the task; if it proves to be overwhelming for you, you should seriously consider seeking consultancy from a pro (your local SAS office can provide such).

Obsidian | Level 7

If our sas users user-id is source location for this path /home

How will import user-id’s to SAS metadata server . I am trying to use similar this code “” and have some doubts ,is it support this code update in SAS Metadata .
Please can you verify attached code some of parameters updated based on user-id source location path.

Please suggest me any thing need to update on code.

I used sample code from below path


/home location users user-id source location path

[sasadmin@adisas003 home]$ pwd


drwx------ 2 kumar kumar 4096 Mar 12 04:31 kumar
drwxr-xr-x 38 david david 24576 Mar 12 05:00 david
drwxr-xr-x 21 john john 12288 Mar 12 06:13 john
Obsidian | Level 7

* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y
* TITLE: Metadata User Import From etc/passwd file
* VERSION: 9.1
* DATE: 16DEC2003
* DESC: Example code to extract user information from
* Unix etc/passwd and group files and load it into
* the Metadata Server.
* UPDATED: Version 9.2 19Jul2006

** **
** The following SAS Program is divided into 5 discrete sections in **
** order to help simplify its overall organization. Each SECTION is **
** marked by a comment box like this one, with "double bound" asterisk. **
** Here is a summary of the sections: **
** **
** SECTION 1: SAS Option, Macro Variable, and filename Definitions **
** **
** SECTION 2: %mduimpc defines canonical datasets and variable lists. **
** **
** SECTION 3: Extract User Information from a etc/passwd file, normalize **
** data, and create corresponding canonical datasets. **
** **
** SECTION 4: Extract Group Information from a etc/group file, normalize **
** data, and create corresponding canonical datasets. **
** **
** SECTION 5: %mduimpl reads the canonical datasets, generates **
** XML representing metadata objects, and invokes PROC **
** METADATA to load the metadata. **
** **
** In order to run this program, you will verify and change the filerefs **
** that specify the location of the passwd and group files where user **
** information is read from and the SAS Metadata Server that recieves **
** this information in the form of XML representing metadata objects. **
** This information is specified in SECTION 1 below. **
** **
** CAUTION: before running this program, please read the SAS code below, **
** SECTION by SECTION, to gain an understanding of its overall flow. It **
** is especially important to understand which user accounts will be **
** imported and which will be dropped as the Person information is **
** extracted and constructed in SECTION 3. The amount of modification **
** reqired could vary from site to site depending on the form of the **
** passwd file and it's contents. Also note that the same principles **
** apply for the code used to retrieve groups in SECTION 4. **
** **
** **
** Format of the etc/passwd file **
** **
** This example was developed with an etc\passwd file that followed the **
** normal conventions, but contained additional user info in the **
** Gcos field (the 5th ':' delimited field) that is used to build the **
** user info. The standard form of the file is: **
** **
** user name : password : uid (numeric) : primary group id : <continued> **
** gcos-field : home-directory : login-shell **
** **
** Within the gcos-field there are other fields that are comma **
** delimited. Our gcos-field has the following format: **
** **
** Person Name , Office , phone extension , misc , employeeid **
** **
** Putting the standard passwd file together with our specific **
** gcos-field results in passwd entries that look like: **
** **
** user name:password:uid (numeric):primary group id:<continued> **
** Person Name,Office,phone extension,misc,employeeid:<continued> **
** Home-directory:login-shell **
** **
** Colons and Commas delimit the fields in the entries above. If your **
** etc/passwd file does not match this layout. You will have to modify **
** the code below by removing the extraction of certain information **
** (phone numbers, addresses) or extracting it from other fields. **
** Note, in our example the info in the gcos-field was comma delimited **
** there is no specification as to what delimiter must be used. The **
** only specification is that a colon cannot be used because it is used **
** to delimit the main fields of the passwd file. **
** **
** **
** Format of the etc/group file **
** **
** There is nothing special about the format of the group file used to **
** build this example. There are not special gcos-fields within the **
** group file so it's not likely that this section of code would need **
** much modification unless you simply didn't want to extract the groups.**
** The format of the standard etc/group file is: **
** **
** groupname : password : gid (numerid) : comma delimited list of users **
** **
** The fields of the group file are colon delimited and the members **
** of the group are specified as a comma delimited list in the last **
** colon delimited field. Usernames are used in the list rather than **
** the numeric uids. Groups are not allowed to be members of other **
** groups. **

** **
** SECTION 1: SAS Option, Macro Variable, and filename Definitions **
** **

/* Use the Meta* options to specify the metadata server connection options */
/* where the user information will be loaded. */
options /* network name/address of the */
/* metadata server. */

metaport=8562 /* Port Metadata Server is listening on.*/

metauser="sasadm@saspw" /* Domain Qualified Userid for */
/* connection to metadata server. */

metapass="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /* Password for userid above. */

metaprotocol=bridge /* Protocol for Metadata Server. */

metarepository=Foundation; /* Default location of user information */
/* is in the foundation repository. */

/* Define the tag that will be included in the Context attribute of */
/* ExternalIdentity objects associated with the information loaded by this */
/* application. This tag will make it easier to determine where information*/
/* originated from when synchronization tools become available. */
/* Note, the value of this macro should not be quoted. */
%let PWExtIDTag = Passwd File Import;

/* This process will extract UNIX password file information into datasets */
/* in the libref represented by the "extractlibref" macro variable. The */
/* extracted information will be cleansed and normalized in this library */
/* and then transferred into the canonical form datasets defined in the */
/* %mduimpc macro. */
/* */
/* Specify the library to where the passwd and group Files information */
/* should be extracted. */
%let extractlibref=work;

/* Specify the location of the passwd and group files. Typically this will */
/* be located in the /etc directory. However, if they are located in a */
/* different location, specify it here. */
/*filename grpfile "/etc/group";
filename pwfile "/etc/passwd";*/

filename grpfile "/home";
filename pwfile "/home";

/* Set the name of the AuthenticationDomain in the metadata to which logins */
/* created by the process should be associated. Note, there is no */
/* requirement that the name of the MetadataAuthDomain match an actual */
/* network domain. The default value is "DefaultAuth". */
%let MetadataAuthDomain=DefaultAuth;

/* EMAIL addresses are in the form: userid@domain. The userid value is */
/* extracted from the passwd file below. Supply the domain portion of the */
/* email addresses in the UNIXEMAILDOMAIN macro variable. */
/* */
/* NOTE: If your email environment supports a different convention for */
/* EMAIL addresses then modifications in the code below may be required if */
/* the EMAIL addresses are needed in the metadata being created. */

/* The importlibref macro variable declares the libref where the normalized */
/* datasets defined by the macro %mduimpc will be created in the processing */
/* below. It is VERY important to NOT change any &importlibref reference in */
/* the code below. If you want to save the normalized datasets in a */
/* specific library then uncomment libname xxxx 'your_path_name';. */
/* supply your own path name, and change %let importlibref=work; to */
/* %let importlibref=xxxx; where xxxx is a libref name of your choosing. */

/* libname xxxx 'your_path_name'; */
%let importlibref=work;

/* filename for location where macro %mduimpl saves its generated XML */
filename keepxml "request.xml" lrecl=1024;

** **
** SECTION 2: %mduimpc defines canonical datasets and variable lists. **
** **

/* Invoke the %mduimpc macro to generate the macro variables used to define */
/* the canonical datasets and columns for input to the %mduimpl macro. The */
/* %mduimpl (see end of program) macro reads the canonical form datasets, */
/* builds an XML stream containing user information, and loads this user */
/* information into the metadata server specified in the meta options above.*/

** **
** SECTION 3: Extract User Information from etc/passwd. normalize **
** data, and create corresponding canonical datasets. **
** **

/* The following datastep reads the UNIX password file and creates the */
/* unixUsers dataset. Please note that the record format of UNIX PW files */
/* can vary somewhat. For example, the "custominfo" variable that is */
/* commented out below actually represents a field in the record that is */
/* further subdivided into name, office, officeph, unknown, and empid in */
/* the UNIX PW file that was used for testing this example. */
/* */
/* NOTE: These variables may be freely modified to accomodate the UNIX PW */
/* file found at your site. WARNING: If you change the names of any of */
/* these variables, be aware that they are also used in the code that */
/* follows. */
/* */
/* NOTE: An assumption is made that the user information will include an */
/* Employee ID (empid). If empid for a particular passwd entry is empty */
/* then that entry will be dropped from the import. */

data &extractlibref..unixUsers (keep=keyid userid gid displayname );

attrib keyid informat=$30. format=$30.;
attrib userid informat=$10. format=$10.;
attrib password informat=$13. format=$13.;
attrib uid informat=$32. format=$12.;
attrib gid informat=$32. format=$12.;
/*attrib custominfo informat=$64. format=$64.;*/
attrib displayname informat=$128. format=$128.;
attrib empid informat=$30. format=$30.;
attrib userhome informat=$50. format=$50.;
attrib usershell informat=$24. format=$24.;

infile pwfile delimiter = ':,' MISSOVER DSD;
input userid $
password $
uid $
gid $
/* custominfo $ is a summary of the following 5 fields */
displayname $
empid $
userhome $
usershell $ ;

/* If an account does not contain and Employee ID, then drop that */
/* account from the import. */
if empid = "" then do;

/* In our example data, accounts were disabled by entering a *DELETED* */
/* or *NOLOGIN* in the password field. If any password field begins with */
/* an asterisk, then consider that account invalid and drop it from the */
/* import. */
if substrn(password,1,1) = "*" then do;

uid = compress("U_" || uid);
gid = compress("G_" || gid);

/* The keyid must uniquely identify a single person in the person dataset. */
/* If the keyid is not unique, the mduimpl macro will purge duplicates, */
/* leaving only 1 person object with a particular keyid to be loaded into */
/* the metadata. */
/* */
/* In this example, we have selected to use the uid of the account */
/* as the keyid. */
/* */
/* NOTES: */
/* 1- the keyid is also used to relate login, email, phone, address and */
/* group information to a particular user. So, if two users share the */
/* same keyid, one of them will get all the info for both users while */
/* the other is purged. */
/* */
/* 2- The keyid is written to an ExternalIdentity object that is */
/* associated to the person. The external identity can be used to */
/* determine where a user's information came from and how to */
/* synchronize it. Care must be taken when determining what */
/* value to use for the keyid and the implications that decision may */
/* have. */
/* */
/* 3- If the keyid is some sort of global user identifier (like an */
/* employeeid) it may be possible to merge login information extracted */
/* from another authentication system with the user information */
/* extracted here. The addition/merging of additional information */
/* can take place from the extraction and loading of this information. */
/* However, the ability to perform the merge would depend on both */
/* authentication systems using the same global identifier to relate */
/* ownership of the account to a person. In this case, the */
/* global identifier should be used as the keyid. */

keyid = uid;

/* Non-printable characters (e.g. BACKSPACE 0x080) have been observed in displayname*/
/* coming from the "custominfo". These characters trouble the XML parser in the */
/* SAS Metadata Server during the load process. The following loop recodes any */
/* embedded non-printable ASCII characters found in the name string to blanks */
/* (which are digestible by the XML parser). If a non-pritable character is */
/* found at the of the string, the string is simply truncated by one character. */
_NOTPRINT = notprint( displayname, 1);
do while ( _NOTPRINT );
put "non-printable character(s): " displayname=;
displaynameL = length(displayname);
if ( _NOTPRINT EQ displaynameL ) then do; /* found at end of the string */
displayname = substr(displayname,1,displaynameL-1);
_NOTPRINT = 0; /* set up to exit */
else do; /* found within the string */
substr(displayname,_NOTPRINT,1) = " ";
_NOTPRINT = notprint( displayname, _NOTPRINT+1 ); /* any more bad? */


/* The following datastep creates the normalized tables for person, location, */
/* phone, email, and login from the &extractlibref..unixextrpersons extracted above. */

data &persontbla /* Macros to define Normalized Tables from %mduimpc */
%definepersoncols; /* Macros to define Normalized Table Columns from %mduimpc */

retain city postalcode area country "";

set &extractlibref..unixUsers; /* (obs=x for testing) */

/* name is already in the input dataset */
/* title cannot be derived from the UNIX PW file */
output &persontbl;

/* setup location values */
if office NE "" then do;
locationName = strip(name) || " Office";
locationtype = "Office";
address = office;

output &locationtbl;

if officeph NE "" then do;
phonenumber = officeph;
phonetype = "Office";
output &phonetbl;

/* create email address based on useid and the UNIXEMAILDOMAIN */
/* macro variable. */
emailAddr = compress(userid) || "@" || "&UNIXEMAILDOMAIN";
emailType = "Office";
output &emailtbl;

if userid NE "" then do;
password ="";
authdomkeyid = 'domkey' || compress(upcase("&MetadataAuthDomain"));

output &logintbl;


/* Each person entry in &persontbl must be unique according to the */
/* rules for Metadata Authorization Identities. By enforcing this */
/* uniqueness here, we help ensure that the Metadata XML will load */
/* correctly when the %mduimpl macro is invoked with submit=1 below. */

proc sort data=&persontbl nodupkey;
by keyid;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data; /* Create Index for */
modify person; /* speedy retrieval */
index create keyid;

/* Because standard UNIX PW files (i.e. PW files that don't link to */
/* dirctory systems, etc.) only provide simple location info (e.g. */
/* office number), the possibilty of multiple locations per person does */
/* not really exist. */

proc sort data=&locationtbl nodupkey;
by keyid;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data; /* Create Index for */
modify location; /* speedy retrieval */
index create keyid;

/* Each person can have zero or more entries in &phonetbl. Each */
/* entry will be a unique combination of keyid and phone number. */

proc sort data=&phonetbl nodupkey;
by keyid phonenumber;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data; /* Create Index for */
modify phone; /* speedy retrieval */
index create keyid;

/* Each person can have zero or more entries in &emailtbl. Purge any */
/* duplicate entries. Note, Dups should not occur so long as the */
/* there are no duplicate entries in the passwd file. */

proc sort data=&emailtbl nodupkey;
by keyid emailAddr;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data; /* Create Index for */
modify email; /* speedy retrieval */
index create keyid;

/* Because each person can have multiple logins, the entries by */
/* keyid are not required to be unique. However, the UserID */
/* attribute by relation to AuthenticationDomain must be unique for */
/* each login owned by a person, *and* a login can only be related */
/* to one person. These constraints are enforced during processing */
/* in the %mduimpl macro, which is invoked below. */
proc sort data=&logintbl;
by keyid;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data; /* Create Index for */
modify logins; /* speedy retrieval */
index create keyid;

** **
** SECTION 4: Extract Group Information from /etc/group, normalize **
** data, and create corresponding canonical datasets. **
** **

/* The following datastep reads the UNIX group file and creates the */
/* unixgroups and unixGroupMembers datasets. */
/* */
/* **The Group file contains only secondary group membership information. */
/* In other words, the passwd file contained user account information and */
/* the primary group membership for the account. This primary group */
/* membership is only reflected in the passwd file, not the group file. */
/* To build the complete group membership, we'll have to combine the group */
/* membership information from both the passwd and group files. */
/* */
/* See comments at the beginning of this example file for information */
/* regarding the format of the group file. Note though that the members */
/* are specified using the account user name (userid) that can be found */
/* in the 1st field of a passwd file entry. */
/* */
/* NOTE: These variables may be freely modified to accomodate the UNIX PW */
/* file found at your site. WARNING: If you change the names of any of */
/* these variables, be aware that they are also used in the code that */
/* follows. */

data &extractlibref..unixGroups (keep=gid name)
&extractlibref..unixGroupMembers (keep=gid name member);

attrib name informat=$50. format=$50.;
attrib gid informat=$32. format=$12.;
attrib member informat=$50. format=$50.;

length membersOff 8 membersLen 8 memWord 8 memCnt 8;

infile grpfile LRECL=32756 length=Len;

name = scan(_infile_,1,':'); /* first word is group Name */
nameL = length(name);

/* Check to see if a group PW is present */
if ( substr(_infile_,nameL+1,2) EQ "::" ) then do;
gid = scan(_infile_,2,':'); /* second real word is usually the group ID */
membersOff = nameL + 2 + length(gid) + 1;
else do; /* unless a group PW is present then */
pw = scan(_infile_,2,':'); /* second real word is the group PW */
gid = scan(_infile_,3,':'); /* the third word is group ID */
membersOff = nameL + 1 + length(pw) + 1 + length(gid) + 1;

if input(gid, best16.0) > 0; /* Don't add nogroup or root to datasets */

gid = compress("G_" || gid);
output &extractlibref..unixGroups; /* Add to groups dataset */

membersLen = Len - membersOff;
/* groups can be defined without members. If members are */
/* present then add an entry for each to the members dataset */
if ( membersLen > 0 ) then do;
members = substr(_infile_,membersOff+1,membersLen);
memCnt = countc(members,",") + 1;
do while ( memWord LE memCnt );
member = scan(members,memWord,",");
output &extractlibref..unixGroupMembers;
memWord + 1;

/* Each row in the unixGroupMembers Table represts a user's membership in a group. A */
/* user may be a member of multiple groups and in this case a row will exist for each */
/* group. Nested groups are not supported in UNIX so the member column will *never* */
/* contain a group name (... although it may appear that way because UNIX does allow */
/* a user and a group to have the same name value.) Sort the unixGroupMembers Table */
/* by member for the processing that follows. */

proc sort data=&extractlibref..unixGroupMembers;
by member;

proc datasets library=&extractlibref memtype=data;
modify unixGroupMembers;
index create member;

/* Use the information in the unixUsers dataset that was extracted from the passwd */
/* file to create a dataset that contains the primary group memberships for accounts */
/* in the passwd file. */
/* */
/* Note the "userid" column will be renamed "member" in the output dataset */
/* unixUsersAsPrimaryGroupMembers. */

proc sql;
create table &extractlibref..unixUsersInPrimaryGroups
as select g.gid, u.keyid,, u.userid as member
from &extractlibref..unixUsers u,
&extractlibref..unixGroups g
where u.gid EQ g.gid;

/* Build a dataset with the memberships and member keyids for the */
/* secondary group memberships that are contained in the group file. */

proc sql;
create table &extractlibref..unixUsersInNonPrimaryGroups
as select m.gid, u.keyid,, m.member
from &extractlibref..unixUsers u,
&extractlibref..unixGroupMembers m
where m.member EQ u.userid;

/* Build the canonical groupmems dataset by selecting the appropriate */
/* columns and concatenating the unixUsersInPrimaryGroups and */
/* unixUsersInNonPrimaryGroups datasets built above. */

data &idgrpmemstbla /* Macros to define canonical Tables from %mduimpc */
%defineidgrpmemscols; /* Macros to define Table Columns from %mduimpc */

set &extractlibref..unixUsersInPrimaryGroups

grpkeyid = gid;
memkeyid = keyid;

proc sort data=&idgrpmemstbla;
by grpkeyid memkeyid;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data; /* Create Index for */
modify grpmems; /* speedy retrieval */
index create grpkeyid;

/* Build the canonical groups dataset containing the group names and */
/* keyids. */

data &idgrptbla /* Macros to define canonical Tables from %mduimpc */
%defineidgrpcols; /* Macros to define Table Columns from %mduimpc */

set &extractlibref..unixgroups;

keyid = gid;
/* Name column moves straight from unixgroups dataset */

/* Sort and index the idgrps table */

proc sort data=&idgrptbla nodupkey;
by keyid;

proc datasets library=&importlibref memtype=data;
modify idgrps;
index create keyid;

/* Add the UNIX AuthDom to the AuthenticationDomain dataset */

data &authdomtbl;
%defineauthdomcols; /* Macros to define Table authdomain from %mduimpc */
keyid='domkey' || compress(upcase("&MetadataAuthDomain"));

** **
** SECTION 5: %mduimpl reads the canonical datasets, generates **
** XML representing metadata objects, and invokes PROC **
** METADATA to load the metadata. **
** **

/* note, the mduimpl macro will lookup all the person objects by */
/* external identity and then subsitute the keyid for the login object */
/* with the objectid of the person any logins that have a keyid that */
/* isn't found will be dropped from the load. */

%macro Execute_Load;

/* if the _EXTRACTONLY macro is set, then return and don't do any load processing. */
%if %symexist(_EXTRACTONLY) %then %return;

%mend Execute_Load;


Super User

This seems to be way over your head, get help from a consultant.

We can't provide help for this without sitting in front of your terminal/desktop, and that would mean a consultancy.

Obsidian | Level 7
Thank you for your support ..Kurt Bremser.

resolved my issue

Ammonite | Level 13
There is a whole lot of detail along with hyperlinks to sample code listed here -

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